Zack Snyder says the R-rated version of Rebel Moon is 'set in a slightly different dimension'

Zack Snyder came the Justice League problem with his new Netflix movie Rebel Moon. From the beginning, the plan was always to make two different versions of the film: a PG-13 version for the premiere release that could be played to a wider audience, and an R-rated version that would have a more unfiltered Snyder-y version would provide. about the sci-fi fantasy saga. Was it a content trick? A new mode for studios to work with filmmakers to prevent war in the cutting room? Both?

Whatever the case, Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire is out on Netflix, which means Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire: The Official R-Rated Snyder Cut, brought to you by Zack Snyder can't be far behind. But what exactly is it that Snyder left on the table when the film is already such a pure extension of his work?

In a recent conversation with Snyder, Polygon asked him just that. In the past he was described the R-rated version is true to its “sexy, violent, crazy” vision for a “weird” version of the Star Wars-esque space opera. So is the R-rated cut sexier? more violent? “Crazier”?

“It's more about a deep dive into the universe – it's a lot more,” Snyder clarifies. “It's almost like the story takes place in a slightly different dimension than this soon-to-be-released movie.”

Snyder likes a shared world. Remember, he put UFOs in the background Army of the dead and says that the 2021 zombie movie Set in the same universe as Rebel Moon. Does the R-rated cut literally take place in an “other dimension”?

“It could be! We'll have to see the entirety of the two films. I mean, it's very subtle, but I'll go so far as to say that the same dialogue could have a different take on the other version of the film. I'm curious to see how it audience responds to it and how they discover this different version of that story.”

While the elasticity of Rebel MoonThe mythology of the R-rated version may prove to be classic Snyder hype, but it's hard to imagine the second version going anything harder than what's currently streaming. Of Rebel Moonthe director says he really wanted to step out of the box of typical science fiction action to explore a brutal side of intergalactic warfare.

“The action scenes in this film are all character-driven, and they all teach us more about (Sofia Boutella's character) Kora,” says Snyder. “In a space movie, normally the fights are actually kind of like 'pew pew' or lightsabers, so you have this kind of distance, where I really wanted them to be fighting the whole time. They're kind of retro battles. I tried to do the opposite of what you would expect, using some kind of high-tech weaponry. They don't use guns or anything like that (Ed Skrein's character). Noble literally has a bat. So it's coolly primitive.”

We'll see how it plays in a slightly different dimension.

The R rating of Rebel Moon currently has no streaming date. A child of fire is currently streaming on Netflix. The sequel, The Scargiverwill be released on Netflix on April 19, 2024.

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