YouTube’s test run of the ‘three strikes you’re out’ policy against ad blockers seems like a bit much

Back in May 2023, it was reported that Google had been testing out an anti ad-block experiment for YouTube, one that involved a pop-up stating that ad-blockers are no longer allowed on the website. Following that, you were prevented from using the site unless you disabled the ad-blocker or subscribed to YouTube Premium.

Now the tech giant is reportedly becoming more aggressive in its war against ad-blockers, with a new ‘three strike’ system. Reddit user Reddit_n_Me first spotted this popup, which includes three numbered boxes along with the message “video player will be blocked after 3 videos.” 

It’s then followed by an explanation for this popup, as well as the same buttons from the last popup experiment for “Allow YouTube Ads” and “Try YouTube Premium.”

a screenshot of a youtube warning

(Image credit: Reddit)

According to other Redditors in the comments of that post, those who use uBlock Origin haven’t seen this particular popup screen. Of course, it’s a pretty narrow list of users being tested as of now, so we don’t know the full extent of this new experiment.

The ongoing war on ad blockers