YouTube may be planning to give us new AI song generators this year – and this time the music labels might let it

The music industry’s battle over the rampant, often copyright-infringing, use of AI to train and compile datasets has been going on for some time. But now YouTube is reportedly negotiating with record labels to pay for the privilege instead.

It appears that Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group and Warner Records are in talks with Google’s platform about licensing their songs for AI training, according to an article by the Financial times (and reported by Engadget). However, if this deal goes through, individual artists, rather than record companies, will most likely have the final say on their participation.

It’s no coincidence that these giants are also the focus of YouTube. Artificial intelligence music makers Sun and Udio recently visited hit by major lawsuits filed by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and major music labels for copyright infringement. The RIAA has also been supported by companies such as Sony Music Entertainment, UMG Recordings, Inc. and Warner Records, Inc.

Furthermore, this isn’t even the first time YouTube has reportedly been involved in ways to properly compensate music artists for generative AI use. In August 2023, the video platform announced a partnership with Universal Music Group YouTube’s Music AI Incubator programThis program would collaborate with music industry talent, such as artists, songwriters, and producers, to decide how to proceed with the advent of AI music.

Artists have been quite outspoken about generative AI use and music

Judging from artists’ previous responses to the topic of AI, many of them have been very vocal about its dangers and how it devalues ​​their music. In April 2023 there were more than 200 artists signed an open letter advocates for protection of AI.

In a statement from the Artist Rights Alliance, these artists wrote: “This attack on human creativity must be stopped. We must protect against the predatory use of AI to steal the voices and likenesses of professional artists, violate the rights of creators, and destroy the music ecosystem.”

Even artists who are more open to using generative AI in relation to music and have even benefited from it are asking to be properly involved in decision-making about such use, as claimed by a open letter from Creative Commons released September 2023.

According to the letter: “Senator Schumer and members of Congress, we appreciate… that your goal is to be inclusive, drawing from a range of ‘scholars, advocates, and community leaders’ who are actively engaged in the field. Ultimately, that means including artists like us.”

The general consensus among creatives in the music industry is that artists, whether they’re for or against the use of generative AI, should be included in conversations and policymaking, and that their works should be properly protected. And given that artists are the ones with the most to lose, this is by far the best and most ethical way to address the issue.

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