Your unmissable guide to EVERYTHING that will happen in the soaps next week – 32 spoilers from Coronation Street, Emmerdale and EastEnders

Joel plots against Lauren in Coronation Street; Emmerdale’s Kim goes to war and Priya takes on Nish in EastEnders…

Coronation Street

1. Jack’s surprise visitor

Kevin is surprised when Corey’s father Stefan calls him and asks for a meeting, offering to put an end to their feud. However, while Kevin is away, Stefan arrives at No. 13 to find Jack home alone. He charms his way into the house and claims to be a friend of Kev and Abi, it’s clear that Stefan is up to something.

2. Amy is on the rise

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Amy goes on retreat with The Institute and Rowan tells her she is destined for great things. As Leanne joins in the celebration, she can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy at the attention Rowan is giving Amy.

3. Happy families for Joel

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Joel warns Dee Dee that his divorce is looking expensive, so they’ll have to keep an eye on their wedding budget. Things clear up, however, thanks to a visit from Joel’s daughter Maeve, with Dee Dee noting that Joel is a natural father. However, the happy family is torn apart when Lauren calls about a leak in the apartment, and Joel is forced to take Maeve with her to patch things up.

4. The heat is on for Abi

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Kevin watches an online news report about a fire at Stefan’s office. When he tells Abi about it, she quickly responds by saying that Stefan got what he deserved. Kevin wonders if Abi knows more about the fire than she’s letting on.

5. Joel’s Special Delivery

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Dee Dee receives a package at the apartment that is not addressed to her or Joel. Confused, she leaves a voice note for Joel asking if he knows anything about it. Joel is confused when he picks up the note and it is clear that he knows exactly what is in the package…

6. Rowan puts the screws to Nick

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Rowan explains to Nick that he won’t press charges for attacking him, but that comes at a price. Rowan reveals that he wants Nick to invest £20k in the Institute. Will Nick give in to his blackmail?

7. Is Abi an arsonist?

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DS Swain questions Abi and Kev about the fire at Stefan’s office. While they both deny any knowledge of it, Swain shows evidence from the doorbell camera that Abi is hanging around Stefan’s house. When Abi realises that Kev suspects her too, she is angry.

8. Beth improves her dark game

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Beth quietly gives Betsy her pay for her work on the first batch of T-shirts. While Beth plans to surprise Kirk with a wedding, when she complains about the cost of venues, Betsy suggests they ramp up the counterfeit business.

9. Joel plots a departure

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Joel tells Lauren that it won’t be long before he settles her into her new home in Ireland. He later assures Dee Dee that she’ll soon have his undivided attention. Lauren is shocked when she’s attacked at the police station, and while Joel is concerned, it’s clear that he’s working on his plan to get Lauren out of the picture for good.

10. Fiz’s Flashback to the Past

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Fiz is shocked to discover that the leader of a human trafficking ring is on trial and Tyrone’s ex Alina could be called as a witness. Hoping to get away from it all, Fiz tells Tyrone she’s found a good deal on a holiday, but is disappointed when Tyrone isn’t so keen.

11. Panic in Underworld

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Beth’s plan goes awry when she discovers the box of counterfeit t-shirts has gone missing. When Kirk reveals he loaded it into the van, Beth panics. Soon, the race is on to track down the box before Carla discovers what Beth has been up to.

12. Horror for Lauren

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Alone in the apartment, Lauren doubles over in pain, clutching her stomach. As she collapses in terror, she is relieved to hear Max at the door, having followed her into the apartment. As he pounds on the door, Lauren cries for help. But can Max get to her before it’s too late?


1. Ella’s baby fears

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Vanessa is concerned when pregnant Ella starts having stomach cramps at work. To motivate her to take it seriously, Vanessa convinces Ella to get checked out. But when Liam finally checks her out, it’s a little uncomfortable.

2. Kim’s shady dealer

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Kim meets with the dealer who supplied Rose with the drugs, determined to find out the truth. While the dealer remains tight-lipped, Kim realizes that Rose is definitely not the mastermind. Now she just has to figure out who is really to blame for all the recent troubles…

3. Shock during the scan

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When Ella’s taxi to her hospital scan fails her, Liam takes her. Once there, the couple are in for a shock when they discover there is no baby. Furious, Liam accuses Ella of faking the whole thing and storms off before Ella can respond to his accusations.

4. Bad news for Caleb

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Kim sets her sights on Caleb and later whispers to Lydia that she has taken revenge. Later, Caleb is shocked to hear of a fire at his workplace and is later questioned by the police, who suspect arson. Is Kim the culprit?

5. Will Jai cheat?

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Bitter Jai makes Laurel’s life miserable at work and angers the other employees. He also becomes increasingly convinced that Laurel is plotting to appease him in the divorce. Jai confides in Caleb, who advises him to play it smart when it comes to the breakup…

6. Kiss from a rose!

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With Kim absent from Home Farm, Rose is busy trying to make things right with Will. Ruby pressures Rose into sleeping with Will and completing their plan. When Will gets angry after Kim turns him down to talk to Caleb, Rose sees her chance and goes in for the kill. The two soon kiss.

7. Kim finds the perpetrator

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A conversation with Caleb brings Kim to a realization and she heads to Ruby. There she confirms her suspicions that Ruby was behind the drug plot and confronts her. Ruby, however, is convinced that she has carried out her plan and tells Kim that her marriage is over. But it is clear that Kim intends to fight.

8. Cain becomes a teacher

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Worried about how Samson will fare in prison, Sam asks Aaron to talk to him. Cain overhears and decides that action is needed instead of words. Later, Sam and Lydia are shocked to see Cain taunting and lashing out at Samson.

9. Moira’s anger

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Cain trains Samson to handle prison life, and Samson hopes he will teach him how to fight dirty. When Moira arrives on the scene, she is furious to see Cain helping the boy who put Matty in prison. She brands Samson a villain and angrily grabs him. Can Cain stop her before she goes too far?

10. Will and Kim get revenge?

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Rose’s plan implodes when Kim marches back to Home Farm, all guns blazing and ready to take on her enemy. Later, we see PC Swirling arrive at Home Farm to enquire about Rose’s welfare after finding her abandoned handbag. Kim and Will both try to hide their guilt. What have they done to get Rose out of their lives?


1. Vinny steps forward

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Vinny is frustrated when Nish keeps him out of a business meeting. Suki advises him to be bold if he wants to gain Nish’s respect and go through with their plan. So, Vinny crashes the meeting and charms the clients. When Priya disrupts the meeting and badmouths Nish, Vinny takes action and throws her out of the Panesar house, leaving Nish impressed.

2. Tommy lashes out

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Tommy’s bad behaviour continues, leaving Kat at a loss as to what to do. Alfie suggests she go on holiday, but Kat insists she has to be there to keep Tommy in check. Later, Kat is proven right when Tommy is rough with the twins.

3. Johnny comes to the rescue

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Callum is dejected when Kathy, Ian and Lexi visit Ben in the US, but he can’t get time off work to go with them. Johnny decides to cheer him up and tries to convince Callum to go out for the night and blow off some steam, but Callum insists he doesn’t want to. Later, Callum is even angrier when he misses a call from Ben.

4. Hospital confrontation

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Having been rejected by her family, Priya throws herself on Martin’s mercy. Later, she is determined to join Nugget at his next dialysis session, but Ravi forbids her, so Priya teams up with Denzel, who manages to smuggle her in. However, her plan is disrupted when Ravi and Nish arrive and soon all hell breaks loose.

5. Alfie takes action

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After Kat confides in Alfie about her fears for Tommy, he decides to take a different approach with their son. He sits Tommy down and explains that he is trying to convince Kat to go on holiday, but she will only do it if he changes his ideas. When Kat gets home, Tommy plays nice and Alfie is pleased that he has made progress.

6. Nish feels Priya’s anger

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Nish launches a vicious tirade at Priya in the hospital. Priya decides she’s had enough and takes action. Priya lures Nish to the Minute Mart, where she manages to handcuff him. Now at her mercy, Priya demands that Nish make a video retracting her false claim that he slept with her. Will Nish give in to her demands?

7. The Square Olympics!

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Alfie decides to organise a mini Olympics in the square to entertain the children. Tommy, however, is reluctant to take part. Desperate to persuade him, Alfie offers a cash prize to the winner. But will involving troublesome Tommy result in more agro?

8. Chelsea’s housing crisis

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Chelsea is not happy after her demotion at Peggy’s, and her new boss Penny doesn’t make things any easier as she lords it over her. Things go from bad to worse when Chelsea and Bernie spot a ‘For Sale’ sign at number 1. They discover that Gray is selling, meaning they will soon be homeless.

9. Callum gets cold feet

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Honey takes a dejected Callum out for a drink and advises him to live his life and have a night out with Johnny. Callum decides she’s right, but a problem arises when Billy points out that it hasn’t taken him long to leave Ben behind. Callum is shocked by his accusation.

10. Harvey and Jean in the line of fire

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Alfie and Tommy enjoy a water pistol fight in the square, Alfie is happy to have some nice father and son time. But when Tommy decides to target a shocked Jean and Harvey, is he planning to bring more trouble to Alfie’s doorstep?