Your stars for 2023: What does the New Year have in store for you?



Jupiter in your sign through mid-May is a cosmic indication of success, especially for changes of direction or adventures abroad. Don’t get too confident, though, or you could fail when your reckless ruler Mars challenges autocratic Pluto in late spring and early fall. Something that happens between the two Full Moons in August will make you realize that a few days of summer madness is not worth jeopardizing a long-lasting relationship.


With two of the four eclipses of 2023 falling in your sign in April and October, and Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, embarking on a 12-month Taurus transit in May, there’s very little you can’t accomplish this year with the necessary vision. determination and focus. Just be prepared for some family or domestic upheaval at the end of June, when ambitious Mars and disruptive Uranus collide. Sometimes it’s better to cut losses than risk your roots coming undone.


After an energetic seven-month stay in Gemini, Mars leaves your sign at the end of March, heralding a less hectic time. He will allow you to steer your life on a much smoother path and reconnect with the people who are your foundation. A romantic relationship around the time of the mid-October solar eclipse will reach a tipping point at the end of the month. Be very careful what he says and does – emotions among those around you will run high.


With transformative Pluto focusing on your passions and finances for the foreseeable future, and expansive Jupiter highlighting your dreams and desires, this is a year to follow your heart and head. Where they take you depends as much on your instincts as your sense of direction, as will become clear in mid-May when dynamic Mars and intuitive Neptune unite. Sometimes genuine change can only be found far beyond one’s existing limits.

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Your personal or professional profile will undergo a transformation in 2023 and you will end the year in a very different role. The powerful cosmic activity in the success angle of your chart suggests a change of emphasis, position, or even career. An opportunity that arises around the time of the April solar eclipse will peak at the end of October, by which time you’ll be well on your way to showing the world what you can do. It could be very different from anything you’ve done before.


Your life will change drastically in the coming weeks, as will some of your most deeply held principles and beliefs. Jupiter’s sign change presents you with the opportunity to pursue a very different kind of success, with very different rewards. Something that started around the time of April’s particularly dynamic solar eclipse will come to fruition in late October, reinforcing what little you previously understood about the true meaning of life.


With enlightening Jupiter highlighting shared finances since mid-May, as well as your more passionate side, you’ll need to keep your wits about you, especially in August when reckless Mars springs into action. Saturn’s sign change in March will free you from romantic inhibitions, but you may find a domestic issue becomes more difficult. You’ll find that things come back into balance when Jupiter and Saturn unite in June and around the Libra solar eclipse in October.


Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better, as is the case with a family or domestic situation. The change of sign of your ruler Pluto, complex but transformative, in March will benefit you in the long term and, from then on, you will work more as a team. Meanwhile, with the focus of the 2023 Eclipses on your closest relationships, an ongoing relationship will become increasingly passionate, while a new one will prove unsustainable.


The emphasis in the course of 2023 is on your work and your health. A change of circumstances, personally or professionally, is imminent. With your lucky ruler Jupiter at the helm, promotion or a raise is a great possibility. Just make sure you don’t overdo it and burn yourself out, mentally or physically. Between the eclipses of April and October, your life will take a detour and wherever you end up, you should embrace it. After all, change is good, life depends on it.


Despite economic and global pressures, this is a year to have fun. With cosmic forces urging you to focus on socializing, idealizing, or creating something amazing, you are in a wonderful position to bring happiness to others as well as yourself. However, the disruptive influence of Mars on her finances in late May, and on a foreign project or even a friendship in late July, could cause setbacks. Nothing too serious or long term, but you would do well to be prepared.


As restrictive Saturn moves out of your sign in March and powerful Pluto moves into it, your mood will change and what seemed impossible a few weeks ago will become plausible. In particular, you will be determined to solve a domestic or professional problem that threatens to derail the lives of everyone involved. The turning point will come between the spring eclipses, and by October you’ll be singing from a different—and considerably more radical—songsheet.


Suddenly, your world is full of openings and opportunities, but given all the other distractions and demands on your time in the coming weeks, it will take determination, focus, and perseverance to identify, pursue, and achieve them. Fortunately, a surprising union between self-assured Jupiter and self-disciplined Saturn in mid-June will work in your favor and by the end of summer you should be on a roll. Just make sure you ride uphill, not down!


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