Your phone’s about to get loud. Here’s how to manage the National Emergency Alert System Test

Don’t be alarmed. The National Emergency Alert System (EAS) is gearing up for its triennial test, and you can expect your phone to ring this Wednesday around 2:20 PM Eastern Time (ET).

This test, coordinated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is an essential part of the national emergency preparedness framework.

You may think it’s annoying, but it turns out this test matters a lot.

A vital test

FEMA mandates that the National Emergency Alert System be put to the test once every three years, and this time it is happens on Wednesday. The primary purpose of this exercise is to ensure that the system functions smoothly and efficiently in the event of a real emergency. It is a crucial step in the country’s ability to communicate vital information to the public during crises.

No opt-out

Unlike other notifications and alerts, you cannot opt ​​out of receiving messages from the National Emergency Alert System. This is because these alerts are designed to provide crucial information about impending threats to life and property. The system uses the Presidential Alert feature available on all mobile devices in the United States (which essentially means every smartphone in every hand in the country), making it a powerful tool for disseminating information quickly and widely.

Silence your phone during the test

While these alerts are essential, we understand that it can be frustrating to receive them at an inopportune time. If you want your best phone to be silent during the National Emergency Alert System test, here’s what you can do:

Between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM ET on test day, consider turning on airplane mode or turning off your device. This will ensure that you do not receive the warning during this period. However, it is crucial to remember that these alerts are designed to reach as many people as possible. So consider the consequences of turning off your device, especially if you rely on it for emergencies.

Protect others

For individuals in potentially unsafe situations, being aware of this test is of utmost importance. If you have a secondary device dedicated to emergency communications, make sure it is also prepared to receive alerts during the test. These notifications can contain vital information that will help keep you and your loved ones safe at critical times.

The noise may bother you, especially if there are dozens of phones going off all around you, but remember: this only happens once every few years and for a good cause: your safety.

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