Your next car salesperson could be an AI bot and sell vehicles in just 18 months as ChatGPT technology advances


The next time you buy a car, it might not be from your default dealer, but from an AI bot.

The prediction comes from Johan Sundstrand, the CEO of the Swedish video technology company Phyron – he believes that the change can happen as early as 2025.

He said: ‘It’s only a matter of time before artificial intelligence (AI) sells cars as effectively as a human salesperson.

“The speed at which machine learning software is evolving and being embraced by retailers means that a fully competent AI-powered sales bot is just 18 months away.”

The next time you buy a car, it might not be from your default dealer, but from an AI bot

Phyron is a Swedish video technology company that has developed the world's first fully automated AI-enhanced video solution for the automotive industry

Phyron is a Swedish video technology company that has developed the world’s first fully automated AI-enhanced video solution for the automotive industry

What is Pyron?

Phyron is a Swedish video technology company that has developed the world’s first fully automated AI-enhanced video solution for the automotive industry.

The unique AI software and associated algorithms enable Phyron to create car ad videos that can be used on brand or retail websites, through social media channels and targeted email distribution.

Phyron claims that their innovative automated videos save retailers “massive amounts of time and money in video production, especially since there’s no need for a salesperson to shoot a video of cars on site or prepare a script of key features.”

Recently they introduced a new element in the AI ​​videos: voiceovers.

The voiceover feature is available in over 22 languages ​​with options for four male and four female voices in each language.

Every feature of the voiceover can be adjusted, including pitch, tone, speed, voice equalizer, and music gain.

Phyron claims that their innovative automated videos save retailers

Phyron claims that their innovative automated videos save retailers “massive amounts of time and money in video production, especially since it doesn’t require a salesperson to make a video of cars on site or prepare a script of key features.”

The voiceover feature is available in over 22 languages ​​with options for four male and four female voices in each language

The voiceover feature is available in over 22 languages ​​with options for four male and four female voices in each language

What do they predict will happen?

The company’s CEO, Johan Sundstrand, believes AI could sell cars by 2025.

He says AI-powered videos have already proven to sell cars three to five days faster than those without. The addition of AI-powered voiceover will only increase impact and efficiency.

The company also claims that the videos drive 50% more traffic to customer websites than those without.

He added: “We know that the automotive retail market is now more competitive than ever before.

“In this environment, anything that gives your business a competitive advantage and increases efficiency should be welcomed.

It’s only a matter of time before the technology has advanced to the point where ChatGPT can come very close to how a salesperson sells cars offline.

“We think this could be as early as 2025 based on the current rate of AI development and adoption.”

The company's CEO Johan Sundstrand (pictured) believes AI could sell cars by 2025

The company’s CEO Johan Sundstrand (pictured) believes AI could sell cars by 2025

How do Phyron’s current AI videos work?

The process works by Phyron using a data feed from a retailer or car brand, including at least three still images and key product details.

AI then identifies key features in the images, including different shooting angles, interior elements and exterior highlights, then removes the backgrounds and replaces them with a neutral background.

The software then adds special effects, shadows and overlays with the desired product specifications and any customer offers on the relevant images, including price and retailer brand name.

Phyron has been working with car dealers and partners since 2019 and now has more than 1,500 customers across Europe, equivalent to 100,000 cars currently featuring a Phyron video in their advertisements.

As of January 2021, Pyhron customer car videos have been viewed over 250 million times

As of January 2021, Pyhron customer car videos have been viewed over 250 million times

As of January 2021, its customers’ car videos have been viewed more than 250 million times.

To create the new voice-over element, Generative AI has been specially trained and refined for the automotive retail industry to “produce bespoke manuscripts about a vehicle’s key features.”

The AI ​​can produce the voiceover based on existing car ads, marketplace, and technical data.

It works with any input, from five to 5000 words and can write the manuscript from the OEM copy, the dealer’s website or predefined templates.