Young couple sneak off to a portable toilet for secret romp… only to crash through the wall!

A playful couple were caught on camera in China sneaking into a portable toilet for a secret romp, before the wall collapsed and the pair fell through.

A man and a woman were seen walking through what appears to be a construction site, heading towards a portal opposite a prefab office.

The woman opens the door and looks for a moment before following the man inside.

Moments later, a side wall breaks and the woman falls into the mud.

The man is seen trying to grab her as she falls, then exits through the door and walks around to help her up.

The duo appears to flee the scene with a red face.

The images were reportedly recorded in the Chinese city of Jingzhou.

A couple is seen walking through what appears to be a construction site toward a portable toilet

The pair enter the portable toilet and then nothing happens for a few seconds

Suddenly, a side wall of the portable toilet collapses and the duo fall through

The woman falls into the mud while the man tries to grab her

The woman lies on the floor, while the man leaves the portaloo through the door

The man walks out of the portaloo onto the grass, while the woman is still on the ground

The man then walks over to the woman to help her up

The man helps the woman up

The pair then quickly flees the scene. The images are said to have been captured in Jingzhou, China

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