You’ll NEVER spot the deer in these photos: Beast blends with the cliffs so it’s impossible to see

You will NEVER see the deer in these photos: the beast blends in so perfectly with the cliffs it’s impossible to see


Can you see the deer perfectly camouflaged in its rocky environment in the mountain ranges of West Africa?

At first glance, these photos seem like nothing more than snaps of rock walls, but look closer and you’ll see there’s more to it than it seems at first glance.

Hidden among the rocky mountains, lush green leaves or African landscapes are nature’s masters of disguise, two klipspringer deer cleverly camouflaged against their surroundings.

The sneaky pair, who are an antelope of sorts, use their clever camouflage to mislead onlookers as they invite you to play a true-to-life version of the game ‘Where’s Wally’.

Photographer Roan du Plessis, 26, captured these impressive images while guiding a safari in Ngala Private Game Reserve, Nigeria, with US guests.

Can you spot the deer in the photos below?

Look closely and you might just spot a deer in this rocky scene captured by 26-year-old photographer Roan du Plessis

The creature is almost unrecognizable as its colors help it blend in with the rocks of the mountain – have you seen it?

The dry and rocky cliffs of West Africa provide the perfect camouflage for the small antelope with its brown coat

Roan, who is originally from Johannesburg, said, ‘One of my guests saw them first and yelled ‘What’s that?’

The dwarf antelope is usually found among rock formations in Africa called cups because they provide an excellent vantage point and shelter.

However, they can also thrive in riverbeds, rocky hills or outcrops, and even mountains as high as 13,000 feet.

The klipspringer is a small but sturdy mammal and can reach about 60 cm at the shoulder and weighs 8 to 18 kilograms.

Their coats, made of hollow, brittle hairs, range in color from gray, reddish brown and yellow, acting as an effective camouflage in their rocky habitat.

The deer’s most notable feature is its tiny hooves, which help it jump onto an Oreo cookie-sized spot due to its suction cup effect.

Luckily for photographer Roan, klipspringers can be found feasting in the early morning and late afternoon hours leaves, blossoms, fruits and lichens.

Often found in pairs, they communicate with each other through whistles when alarmed and use scent to communicate with outsiders – klipspringers can remain still for long periods while wary of predators.

Revealed: Did you find them circled below?

The klipspringer is circled in yellow as it stands proudly on the edge of the cliff – have you spotted the mammal hidden in this photo?

A closer view of the deer captures it in action as it climbs the cliff with its small but effective hooves that have a suction cup-like function

The klipspringer is a small but sturdy mammal and can reach about two feet at the shoulder, making them even more difficult to spot in their environment

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