You can’t trust Dragon’s Dogma 2

When you start up Dragon dogma 2, you get all the standard warnings, a Capcom logo, and then the game’s title screen. Except it’s not technically the name of the game, because it’s missing a 2.

Do video game follow-ups sometimes leave out the figure? Of course, that’s why we need to specify which one God of war we talk about. It’s a trick that ensures you satisfy old fans with a new game without scaring away newcomers. It can also mean that a game is more of a remake or reinterpretation.

Except none of it really makes sense Dragon dogma 2, because that’s the name of the game! Strangely enough, the 2 are missing from the title screen.

Why am I so concerned with this? Is it because this title card “Dragon’s Dogma” is missing the absolute stunner In Freeas performed by Japanese rock duo B’z?

Well, but that’s not their fault Dragon dogma 2 specifically. Every game should use it In Free as a start menu track.

No, I’m working on this title card because Eurogamer asked director Hideaki Itsuno about this missing “2” during a preview event and his response was that “nothing in the game is unintentional.”

This little quote stuck with me the entire time I played the game, and it helped me notice that it wasn’t just the title card that was suspicious – because you can’t trust Dragon dogma 2.

Time and again the game focuses on simulacrums, duplicates and forgeries. There are fake dragons and so-called Arisens. The master forger returns from the first game, allowing you to build virtually any item in the game. There’s even a new Trickster class that’s all about confusing and distracting your enemies with ‘simulacrums’ of yourself.

Even if you avoid duplicating yourself or lying, you will still encounter quest givers who will trick you or appear to be hiding their true selves. Even the pawns you thought you could trust may be carrying an invisible but apocalyptically dangerous contagious disease.

All this paranoia and friction gets you involved Dragon dogma 2 in ways that are entirely unique to video games, and in the video above I explain why I think that’s a good thing. Be sure to check out the rest of our YouTube channel for more information about Dragon’s Dogma and others!