You can now login to Dashlane without a password

Popular password manager Dashlane now lets users log into their accounts without a master password to improve both convenience and security.

Moving forward, Dashlane users will now only be able to log in with their biometric data, such as their fingerprint or facial scan, or a PIN specific to their device.

Additionally, the company also claims to have developed a patent-pending method to transfer the underlying cryptographic key that secures your vault between devices, allowing you to use it cross-platform.


Dashlane has been supporting another passwordless technology for a while now, namely passkeys, allowing users to store and use them to log into supported websites. However, so far it has not allowed users to access their own vaults without a password.

Illustrating the improved security of passwordless technology, the company cites its own research showing that 80% of hacking-related breaches this year resulted from compromised passwords, as well as the general increase in the sophistication of phishing attacks that attempt to steal such IDs.

Not using a password primarily means there are no credentials for attackers to phish on. The underlying cryptographic key is also linked to the device, further increasing security, Dashlane claims.

In addition, the company is also introducing an easier way for passwordless users to recover their account if they lose their device, by using another device that is also signed into their Dashlane account to regain access.

Once a passwordless account has been created on a mobile device, users can log into their account on other devices by navigating to the settings menu on the mobile app and selecting 'Add new device'. From here, they will be presented with a security challenge to verify their login on the new device.

Many prominent services are starting to adopt passwordless solutions that allow users to log into their accounts, such as Amazon, PayPal, eBay, BestBuy, WhatsApp, LinkedIn and X, to name a few. Other password managers already support creating and saving them, including NordPass, 1Password, and Bitwarden.


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