You are cordially invited to ruin our esports career

On May 22nd at 3pm EST we invite you to tune in to our Twitch channel for a very special one The Sims4 show, co-hosted by streamer and filmmaker Charlie McDonnell.

Our mission: quickly move our Sim through the E-Sports Competitor career path, introduced in The Sims 4: Discover University expansion pack. The catch? You, the viewer, get the opportunity to mess with our virtual lives.

Using Crowd Control mod integration, you can contact us via the Internet and break our Sim’s toilet, light a fire in the kitchen, or spawn ten unattended children in the computer room. You can also do nice things for us, like give us Simoleons or improve our Sims’ stats, but that’s not as funny.

But that’s not all! We’re expanding the crowdsourced chaos into our studio with a series of crowd-selected mystery meatspace challenges. We can’t tell you which ones they are because it’s a mystery.

The show starts on May 22nd at 3pm EST

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