Yellowstone tourist takes a beating for cornering a huge bison while holding a BABY near the National Park’s famous Old Faithful geyser

Yellowstone tourist takes a beating for cornering a huge bison while holding a BABY near the National Park’s famous Old Faithful Geyser

  • A tourist from Yellowstone was filmed cornering a bison while holding a baby
  • The man held the child in one arm and had his phone in the other hand

A Yellowstone tourist who was caught grabbing a bison while holding a baby has been slammed online.

Shocking images show how a man with a young child on his hip tried to take pictures of the mammal at the Old Faith geyser.

He has been seen looking around from behind the wooden frame of a building, pointing one arm at the mammal and using the other to hold the baby on its side.

The video was featured on the popular ‘Tourons of Yellowstone’ Instagram page, which has more than 360,000 followers.

A man was filmed trying to take a picture of a huge bison while holding a baby

The man has been slammed online, with many concerned the child is in danger

Visitors are expected to keep a minimum distance of 25 meters from a bison

“Touron” is a word that originated from the conflation of “tourist” and “idiot” and has been assigned to Yellowstone visitors who seem to make bad decisions.

How to stay safe around bison

If an animal is near a campground, trail, boardwalk, parking lot, or in a developed area, give it space.

Stay more than 80 feet (23 m) from all large animals and at least 300 feet (91 m) from bears and wolves.

If necessary, turn around and find another route.

During the mating season from mid-July to mid-August, bison can quickly become restless.

Be extra careful and give them extra space all summer long.

Bison are unpredictable and can run three times faster than humans.

Source: National Park Service

Viewers online were stunned, with many expressing outrage at the man’s carelessness.

The post sparked more than 200 comments, many expressing concern for the child.

“With a toddler, oatmeal for the brain,” one wrote.

“You’re way too close,” someone else said.

“I hope someone called the police. Endangering child,” another claimed.

“I don’t understand what’s wrong with people at all,” a fourth added.

Yellowstone has the largest bison population on public land, but their unpredictable and aggressive nature means visitors should take precautions.

Bison are known to be extremely territorial.

When threatened or uncomfortable, they are agile attackers, with speed and sharp horns that can be used as a weapon to cause serious injury or even kill.

They are the largest land animals in North America, with males weighing up to 990 kg and reaching 1.80 meters in length.

During the mating season from mid-July to mid-August, bison can quickly become restless.

Last month, an Arizona woman was seriously injured while walking in a field near Lake Lodge, north of Lake Yellowstone.

The 47-year-old was with a friend when she was suddenly charged with injuries to her chest and abdomen.

From 2000 to 2015, there were 25 reported injuries caused by bison.

Half of the attacks occur when a tourist tries to take a picture with bison, police said Washington Post.

In May, a tourist got dangerously close to two bison roaming the same national park.

A video showed a woman reaching out in an attempt to touch the buffalo.

In a split second the buffalo lunged forward, giving the impression that it was about to charge.

The woman quickly retreated in panic, tripping over herself in the process.

In 2021, a 25-year-old tourist from Yellowstone was jailed for four days after coming within a few feet of a grizzly bear and her cubs to take a picture.

In the summer of 2018, a man was also arrested who was videotaped trying to stand up to, harassing and taunting a bison in Yellowstone National Park.

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