Yale University hosts anti-semitic speaker on second night of Passover as part of diversity program

Yale University last week hosted a speaker known for promoting anti-Semitic views, including justifying the murders of Jews and Israelis.

Houria Bouteldja, who has expressed her hatred of Jews, Israel and whites, was invited to speak and supported by Yale’s flagship DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) program known as “Belonging at Yale.”

Bouteldja’s 2017 book Whites, Jews, and Us calls for the dismantling of Israel and outright anti-Semitism.

Bouteldja also blames Jews for their near-extermination by the Nazis and expresses hatred against whites.

She has said, “to kill an Israeli is to kill two birds with one stone, to eliminate oppressor and oppressed with one stone.”

Yale University hosted Houria Bouteldja, a speaker who promotes anti-Semitic views, including justifying the murders of Jews and Israelis

Bouteldja’s 2017 book Whites, Jews, and Us calls for the dismantling of Israel and outright anti-Semitism.

The university hosted Bouteldja to speak on the second night of Passover, making it nearly impossible for Jewish people to attend, challenge her views, and ask important questions.

In March 2012, after the murder of a rabbi and three children in Toulouse, France by radical Islamist Mohammed Merah, Bouteldja declared: ‘Mohammed Merah is me.’

Bouteldja also blames the Jews for their near-extermination by the Nazis, claiming that they “tolerated Nazism before it was imposed on them.” … They have forgiven it, closed their eyes to it, [and] legitimized, because until then it only applied to non-European peoples. … They cultivated that Nazism … [and hence] are responsible for it.’

The university hosted Bouteldja to speak on the second night of Passover, making it nearly impossible for Jewish people to attend, challenge her views, and ask important questions

Yale University has long been known for its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as its efforts to combat racism on campus, but it’s not without controversy

She also expresses her hatred of white people, describing them as “the one who subjugates, plunders, steals, rapes, commits genocide,” declaring, “I hate white conscience.” I curse it.’

She added, “Every white man … must take and steal … like a gangster, a brute, or a thug.”

She also dismisses the victims of 9/11, the bombings in the London subway of July 7 and the murders of Charlie Hebdo in Paris as superfluous whites: ‘Bombs explode in the subway. Towers … collapse like a house of cards. The journalists of a famous magazine are decimated. … [But] they are all white.’

The university, long known for its commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion, as well as its efforts to combat racism on campus, has not been without controversy.

In the past, the administration and students have been accused of suppressing speech that challenges the DEI perspective of the school with some recorded instances of harassment and even harassment of individuals expressing dissent.

Nicholas and Erika Christakis, a husband and wife team of professors, were stalked, yelled at and cursed by crowds of students for days in 2015.

Nicholas and Erika Christakis, a husband and wife team of professors, were stalked, yelled at and cursed by crowds of students over Halloween outfits for days on end in 2015

Yale University faculty member Erika Christakis resigned, as did her husband, in the aftermath

The incident occurred after Erika questioned whether the campus DEI office should be checking students’ Halloween costumes.

Both professors were eventually forced to resign from their administrative leadership positions, with Erika Christakis resigning from Yale altogether.

In 2021, a Yale law student was subpoenaed before a diversity dean and threatened with negative referrals that would bar him from being admitted to the bar for using a joke in an email.

Although he himself was of Native American descent, the student was labeled a racist.

In 2022, a mob of more than 100 Yale law students disrupted a campus debate between a liberal atheist lawyer and a conservative Christian lawyer.

On that occasion, the police had to escort the speakers out of the building.

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