Would you eat a robot? Swiss scientists want to make completely edible electronics, but I’m not sure I want to take a bite out of R2D2 anytime soon

Swiss scientists from EPFL (École Spéciale de Lausanne) are working with researchers from other universities to create robots that are not only functional, but also biodegradable and safe to eat.

These robots can potentially reduce electronic waste, deliver food and medicine, monitor health and provide new culinary experiences.

The RoboFood project explores the use of edible materials to replace traditional non-edible components. For example, gelatin can be used instead of rubber, rice cakes can be used for foam, and chocolate films can protect robots in humid environments. Other innovative materials include conductive ink made from activated carbon and gummy bears.

Challenges to come

Progress in edible robots has been slow but steady. In 2017, scientists created an edible grabber. In 2022, a drone with rice cake wings and gelatin glue was designed, as well as a rolling robot with gelatin legs and an edible tilt sensor. In 2023, they developed the first rechargeable edible battery made from riboflavin and quercetin, which could safely power small devices.

“Bringing robots and food together is a fascinating challenge,” says Dario Floreano, director of the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems at EPFL and first author of the new RoboFood perspective published in Nature assessment materials.

In 2021, Floreano joined forces with Remko Boom from Wageningen University, Jonathan Rossiter from the University of Bristol and Mario Caironi from the Italian Institute of Technology to launch RoboFood.

Despite progress, challenges remain, such as understanding how humans and animals perceive reactive edible robots and seamlessly integrating electrical and mechanical components. Researchers face hurdles in combining components that use electricity to function with components that use fluids and pressure to move.

Other problems in the quest for fully edible robots include figuring out how to miniaturize components and extend the shelf life of robot food, as well as what’s clearly a pretty important step: how to make robots taste good.

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