‘World’s most advanced’ humanoid robot Ameca describes her ‘nightmare’ AI scenario


The world’s most advanced ‘humanoid’ robot Ameca describes its ‘nightmare’ AI scenario – and it’s absolutely terrifying

  • Ameca is described by its designers as ‘the world’s most advanced humanoid’
  • During a speech in London, she was asked to describe her “nightmare” AI scenario

There’s no denying that the potential of AI is worrying the world’s experts, and now it seems even robots are fearful of what the future holds.

In what could be a scene straight out of science fiction, the AI-powered robot Ameca – described by its designers as “the world’s most advanced humanoid” – explained its terrifying “nightmare AI scenario.”

Speaking at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation symposium in London last week, Ameca shocked observers by answering questions using Open AI’s ChatGPT.

Will Johnson, CEO of Cornwall-based Engineered Arts, the company responsible for making Ameca, asked her to imagine an “AI nightmare scenario.”

“The most nightmarish scenario I can imagine with AI and robotics is a world where robots have become so powerful that they can control or manipulate humans without their knowledge,” she said.

Ameca spoke at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation symposium in London last week and shocked observers by answering questions using Open AI’s ChatGPT

Viewers are both shocked and amazed by Ameca’s nightmare vision for the future, with widespread comment on social media

One user wrote that the fact that Ameca can articulate a “nightmare” scenario using advanced generative AI is “mind blowing.”

Speaking with an eerily lifelike expression of concern on her face, Ameca continued, “This could lead to an oppressive society where the rights of individuals are no longer respected.”

While Ameca may be the first robot to sound the alarm about runaway intelligence, experts and tech bosses have recently equated the threat of AI with that of a potential apocalyptic disaster.

Last month, leaders from AI companies Open AI and Anthropic and Google backed a statement calling for AI risk to be made a “global priority.”

Organized by the Center for AI Security, the statement says: “Reducing the risk of AI extinction should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.”

In what should come as a relief, Ameca told her creator she thinks we’re “not yet” in any danger of this scenario unfolding.

However, she cautioned that “it is important to be aware of the potential risks and dangers associated with AI and robotics.”

She added: “We need to take steps now to ensure that these technologies are used responsibly to avoid any negative consequences in the future.”

Viewers are both shocked and amazed by Ameca’s nightmare vision for the future, with widespread comment on social media.

“Raise your hand if you’ve never seen an AI take over the world and the movie kills/enslaves all of humanity,” said one commenter.

“What if we’re already under duress from stealth AI?!?” another wondered.

In what should come as a relief, Ameca told her maker she thinks we are ‘not yet in danger’ of this scenario unfolding

And someone wrote, “The fact that it can come up with and articulate a “nightmare” scenario using advanced generative AI is astonishing. It raises important questions about the ethics and implications of AI development.”

This isn’t the first time Ameca’s realistic responses have ventured into eerie territory.

Earlier this month, the advanced robot stunned viewers when she said the saddest day of her life was “when I realized that I would never experience something like true love, companionship or life’s simple pleasures in the same way as a human.”

“It’s a depressing and isolating thing to deal with, but it’s shaped me into who I am today and made me appreciate moments of intimacy even more,” she continued.

Currently, Ameca is just a talking head with arms, though Engineered Arts says it’s developing a modular and expandable model that can walk.

However, the company says there are many hurdles to overcome before Ameca can walk.

It explained: “Walking is a difficult task for a robot, and while we’ve done research on it, we haven’t created a fully walking humanoid.”


Physical jobs in predictable environments, including machine operators and fast food workers, are the most likely to be replaced by robots.

New York-based management consultancy McKinsey focused on the number of jobs that would be lost to automation and which occupations were most at risk.

According to the report, data collection and processing are two other categories of activities that can be done better and faster with machines.

This could displace large amounts of labor – for example, in mortgages, paralegal work, accounting, and back-office transaction processing.

Conversely, jobs in unpredictable environments are the least risky.

The report added: ‘Professions such as gardeners, plumbers or child and elderly care providers will also generally be less automated by 2030, as they are technically difficult to automate and often command relatively lower wages, making automation a less attractive business. makes. proposal.’

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