World-renowned gut health expert reveals what your poop is telling you about your body – while warning which shapes and colors of stool indicate you need to see a doctor IMMEDIATELY

A world-renowned gut health doctor has revealed what the color and shape of your poop can tell you about your body.

Dr. Will Bulsiewicz is an intestinal scientist and author of the book Fiber Fueled.

He is on a mission to teach people how to improve their health through diet and lifestyle changes.

And to help solve the 'epidemic' of gut health problems, Dr. Will find out the truth behind your stool, which could be an indicator of whether or not you have cancer or other serious health problems.

Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, a world-renowned gut health doctor, has revealed what the color and shape of your poop can tell you about your health

He is on a mission to teach people how to improve their health through diet and lifestyle changes

Dr. Will shares the truth behind your stool, which may indicate whether or not you have cancer or other serious health problems

Dr. Will revealed the different types of stool, including the color that will make you want to see a doctor.

In an episode of the podcast The diary of a CEOpresented by Steve Bartlett, Dr. Will how people can be healthier – from incorporating specific foods to examining their poop.

'WWe are currently living through an epidemic of gut health problems, and if we want to Be healthy people, we definitely need a healthy gut microbiome,” he said at the beginning of the clip.

Dr. Will also discussed which foods will help you produce healthy poop.

“For a healthy gut microbiome (you need to eat) fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts and legumes – it's not just vegetables,” he explained.

He then showed different shapes of poop before describing what each shape meant.

The first form of poop – which he called type one – was 'hard lumps'.

These small but hard-to-pass lumps mean you are “very congested,” the doctor said.

In an episode of the podcast, The Diary of a CEO, hosted by Steve Bartlett, Dr. Will how people can be healthier – from incorporating specific foods to examining their poop

He's opened the lid on the different types of stool, including the color that makes you want to rush to a doctor

Stool number two was described as 'lumpy and sausage-like', and this means you are somewhat constipated.

“Type three is a sausage shape with cracks in the surface,” he said before noting that this indicated you were healthy.

If you looked in the toilet and saw a 'smooth, soft sausage or snake', you also have healthy intestines.

The fifth type of poop was shown as 'soft blobs with clear edges'. If your stool looks like this, you have a fiber deficiency.

If your stool has a 'mushy consistency with ragged edges' then this is a sign of inflammation.

And finally, 'liquid' stools are the result of inflammation and diarrhea.

The gut health expert moved on to the shapes of poop and shared what different colored stools meant.

“If you have white poop, there is a blockage that is preventing the bile from mixing with the intestines,” he said.

“We're experiencing an epidemic of gut health problems right now and if we want to be healthy people, we absolutely need a healthy gut microbiome,” he said at the start of the clip.

He then shared a diagram of different poop shapes explaining the health problem you may have

A shocked Steve replied: 'People have white poop?'

Dr. Will nodded his head and chuckled before continuing.

He then showed a yellow piece of Playdoh shaped to resemble feces.

“If you have trouble processing your fat, you have yellow poop,” he said.

The gut health expert noted that green poop isn't usually a sign of concern — adding that while it could indicate an infection, it often meant you'd drank too many cups of green juice.

If you see blue poop in the toilet, you just ate too many blueberries, the doctor explained.

Dr. Will noted that if you saw red poop — or if your stool was even partially red — you should see a doctor right away.

'That's blood in your stool. That is not normal and is a reason to talk to your doctor,” he explained.

The bowel health expert added that it was often a result of bowel cancer or haemorrhoids.

The gut health expert moved on to the shapes of poop and shared what different colored stools meant

He noted that brown, yellow, blue and green are not a major cause for concern, but you should see a doctor quickly if you have red or black poop.

The last color of poop the doctor described was black.

“If you have black stools, you've had Pepto Bismol or you have bleeding in your stomach,” he said.

Dr. Will added: 'The stool will be black, it will smell awful and it will be like tar.'

The gut health expert then discussed what alcohol did to your gut and why you should give up the drink.

'Our intestines are damaged by alcohol. It destroys microbes,” he explained.

The doctor then ended the clip by talking about what to eat for a healthy diet, including: “fruits, vegetables and unrefined grains like whole grains, omega 3, super seeds so that's chia, flax, hemp and also walnuts.”

He also advised viewers to “eat onions, garlic and shallots because they are good for your heart and protect you against cancer.”

Finally, Dr. Tells people to eat beans, peas, lentils and mushrooms to boost their fiber intake.

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