Women reveal the moment they knew a relationship was doomed


Women have been sharing the heartbreaking moments when they realized their relationships were doomed, including a husband who didn’t visit his newborn in the hospital because he was “tired.”

Taking to the british parenting forum momsnet An unidentified woman claimed her last straw was when her husband failed to call to check if she was safe after being informed by his job that he had not shown up.

The woman explained that she never forgave her husband, who excused that “the police would have contacted” him if she had had an accident.

More women took advantage of the comments to reveal their ‘eureka moment’ in their relationships, one claiming it was when her husband received ‘a card’ from an ex, while another brought her girlfriend home while she was in hospital.

The women discussed what their ‘this is over’ moments were in their marriages on Mumsnet (file image)

The original poster began the thread by explaining their story by saying, ‘What was your “it’s over” moment in your marriage?

“He’s a good man, hardworking, loyal, so in no way do I want to paint him as the bad guy. However, I can’t stop thinking about something he said to me, and in that moment I knew that it was that, that he wanted more.

‘During the really bad weather before Christmas: snow, sleet, wind, heavy rain… I had a meeting at 9am at my work. I was 20 minutes late for work (not a long time, but still!).

‘My work didn’t know where I was and tried to call me to see if I was okay as the person I was meeting with was waiting for me to arrive. They accidentally called my emergency contact, who is my (soon to be ex) husband. They had told him that it was a mistake to call him because they were trying to call me because he hadn’t shown up for work.

The woman explained that she never forgave her husband after he said he was not concerned that she might have been in an accident because “the police would have contacted him” if she had been

Another woman said she was still with her husband, but there have been times when she thought about leaving him because of his hurtful behavior.

‘Then I arrived, started my meeting as soon as possible and was later informed about this call to my husband, which I totally forgot about until I went home that night.

‘When I was at home, and after eating dinner and watching television, it came to my head… I asked him: “My work said that they called you today, why didn’t you say anything?”

Him: “Oh I forgot about that, something about you didn’t show up” Me: “Yeah, but why didn’t you try contacting me to make sure I was okay? I could have been in an accident.”

Him: “I was busy at work, they were going to contact you.” I “I know, but you didn’t worry? What if I had an accident, wouldn’t you feel guilty?”

Him: “I’m sure the police would have contacted me, if you had been in an accident.”

I don’t think I’ve ever forgiven him for that comment. She wasn’t in a good place at the moment, yet she didn’t care one bit. What was your eureka moment?

More women took to the comments to reveal their ‘eureka moment’ in their relationships with one claiming it was when her husband got ‘a card’ from an ex.

One woman said: ‘I’m still in my marriage. [We have] two daughters, so it’s packed, hoping it gets easier with time, etc.

“But there have been a couple of things that have happened where I was like, ‘I’ll never forget this and I’m not sure I can forgive him.'”

‘Once was when our daughter was 10 months old. She had a medical problem and we had to take her to the hospital for investigations (she didn’t require 999). She was snowing and couldn’t get the car out so I had to walk about 40 minutes there.

She let me walk with her in a baby carrier with a travel bag on my back alone in ankle deep snow while she worked and “not a good use of HER time coming over too.”

‘[Our second daughter] It was a little surprising, but we weren’t being careful, so just as responsible. When I was about seven weeks old, we were driving home from vacation, and he accused me of “manipulating the pregnancy.” He “wanted to be involved, but wasn’t sure in what capacity” and “wasn’t sure he still loved me.” I managed to get over this but he hurt and ruined what should have been a happy time.

“We have ups and downs like most couples. But I find my mind goes to these incidents (among others)’.

However, some people thought the original poster was being stingy by labeling her “high maintenance”.

Another wrote: ‘My ex was an alcoholic. I had a small surgery and had to be monitored by someone at home for 24 hours.

“I asked him to get me some painkillers while we got out of the taxi. I entered the house. It was four hours before I got home without tablets. I was fuming. We were undergoing IVF at the time and I decided there and then it was over.

While someone else said, ‘I think sometimes it’s a case of the last straw.

‘For me it was when [my daughter] he was born and did not show up at the hospital the next morning because he was ‘tired’. She was terrified, it was the only time she’d ever needed him and he wasn’t there. I tried to get over it but I couldn’t.

A fourth wrote: ‘When he told me he would kill me if I left. Apparently, my brain said “haha, I dare you!”.

“Honestly, I felt like he was going to kill me either way, and at least it would be harder if there was a locked door between us while he was sleeping.”

That being said, not everyone was as sympathetic to the woman who had started the argument.

One person wrote: ‘You sound like terribly high maintenance. Sorry, but that’s how I read it. What a fuss over something trivial.

Another said: ‘You are very picky.’ Someone else wrote: ‘Yeah sorry you sound high maintenance. I wouldn’t end a marriage for any of his examples. I’m sure you knew what he was like before you got married.

While a fourth person said: ‘It would have been nice to text you but he forgot. I mean doing things and then getting sidetracked and forgetting. He is human.

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