Woman who went on racist rant outside cocktail bar is married mother-of-two


A married mother of two who erupted into a racist, finger-stabbing tirade as she left an upmarket cocktail bar may reveal herself to be accountant Justine Morrison.

The 51-year-old lives with her husband and two daughters on farmland outside Halifax in West Yorkshire and has worked with Shine Theater Arts, a local children’s dance school.

It was reported that she had been fired after video of her appalling behavior went viral on social media.

Ms. Morrison admitted to the crimes and accepted a conditional release, which involves participating in a restorative justice program and accepting responsibility for her actions.

A married mother of two who erupted into a racist, finger-stabbing tirade as she left an upmarket cocktail bar may reveal herself to be accountant Justine Morrison.

A married mother of two who erupted into a racist, finger-stabbing tirade as she left an upmarket cocktail bar may reveal herself to be accountant Justine Morrison.

The incident occurred Friday night outside the Vine Bar, located among Halifax's historic mills, after she was escorted out for disturbing other patrons Friday night.

The incident occurred Friday night outside the Vine Bar, located among Halifax’s historic mills, after she was escorted out for disturbing other patrons Friday night.

The incident occurred Friday night outside the Vine Bar, located among Halifax’s historic mills, after she was escorted out for disturbing other patrons Friday night.

When contacted by MailOnline, a Shine spokeswoman said: ‘This is all very, very upsetting. The police have told me that I should not comment on it. I can not say anything more.

In the video, Ms Morrison, wearing a blue blouse, tells the doorman: ‘Oh my gosh, you must be so proud. You’re working on a door,’ she clapping in mock applause.

A man standing behind her, believed to be her husband Anthony, tells her, “Come on, let’s go.”

Before leaving, he points his finger at the doorman and says: ‘You, black.’

As he walks away, lurching on his heels, he turns and spits out the word ‘black’ before continuing: ‘That’s why you got a name.’ Black.’

The video was posted to Facebook by a user named Dally Whylie, who said: “Love the first bk week in the door after Christmas.” Please can I make it very clear that the dance class no longer employs this woman and that it should not affect the dance school in any way.

It was shared more than 4,300 times and most were horrified by his attitude.

Laura Corrigan wrote: ‘Can’t believe this is still happening in 2023, disgusting! What a role model for her two daughters.’

While Karen Holt posted: “She’ll definitely say she’s not a racist and that her third cousin on her husband’s side has a black boyfriend.”

And Heidi Molloy sneered: “I wonder if she’s clapping now, oh you must be so proud Justine… I hope you enjoyed your night in the cells.”

Police confirmed that a woman had been arrested on suspicion of racially aggravated public disorder and was detained over the weekend.

Ms. Morrison's Twitter profile says that she has been married to Anthony for 23 wonderful years and that she loves

Ms. Morrison’s Twitter profile says that she has been married to Anthony for 23 wonderful years and that she loves ‘Schofe’, Philip Schofield’s Twitter handle.

The raid occurred outside the Vine Bar, located among the city's historic mills, after she was escorted out for disturbing other patrons (file image)

The raid occurred outside the Vine Bar, located among the city’s historic mills, after she was escorted out for disturbing other patrons (file image)

The 51-year-old lives with her husband and two daughters on farmland on the outskirts of Halifax in West Yorkshire.

The 51-year-old lives with her husband and two daughters on farmland on the outskirts of Halifax in West Yorkshire.

West Yorkshire Police said: “A 51-year-old woman was arrested and interviewed in connection with an incident of racially aggravated harassment, alarm or distress which took place at the Vine Bar, on Stainland Road, West Vale, Halifax on Friday 6th January. .

‘She admitted to the crimes and received a conditional reprimand, as a result of criminal justice with conditions.

“This includes participating in the restorative justice program and accepting responsibility for your actions.”

It is understood that Ms. Morrison is the daughter of a retired police officer.

Her Twitter profile says that she has been married to Anthony for 23 wonderful years and that she loves ‘Schofe’, Philip Schofield’s Twitter handle.

It reveals a love for Jersey and family vacations abroad.

The incident occurred at the Vine cocktail bar in the Greetland area of ​​Halifax.

The bar’s owner, Lynda Gionotti, released a statement after the incident, saying staff were “truly appalled”, “shocked” and “saddened” by the abuse.

The statement read: “All Vine staff and management are truly shocked by the behavior of the customer who racially abused our doorman last Friday night.

This type of behavior towards our staff will not be tolerated and we are grateful that West Yorkshire Police have taken swift and decisive action.

“Unfortunately, hospitality staff abuse is a problem that needs to be eliminated. No one should have to go to work and endure abuse, it’s just not acceptable.’