Internet divided after woman reveals her unusual method of spreading butter on corn

TikTok users were stunned when a woman suggestively smeared a corn cob with her hands.

Ricki Sanchez posted a video this morning on the social media platform, when her friend smeared butter on a corn cob and scooped it up with her hand.

“We were all shocked at the way my friend butters corn. We are all still confused,” Sanchez wrote in the video description.

Others in the kitchen of the Nashville home were shocked by the woman’s actions and someone in the room shouted “no” at the top of their lungs.

“If you’re going to tell me this isn’t the best corn you’ve ever eaten, I’m going to tell you that you’re a liar,” the controversial corn butterer said.

An unknown friend of TikTok user Ricki Sanchez buttered a corn cob with her hands, shocking others in the room

Just before her friend stuck her entire hand into the tub of butter, Sanchez asked if the corn was hot enough. She said it was.

As her friend rubbed the butter between her hands, Sanchez laughed in shock.

An unknown man in the video held the tub of butter and showed viewers where she placed her hand.

“What are you going to do with this later?” the man asked.

“If someone comes by and says, ‘Hey, can I have some butter?’ Yeah, your fingerprint is in the butter.”

The naughty butter woman insisted that it was her ‘butter right’ once she had finished washing her hands.

Despite the “devilish” move, Sanchez admitted that her friend’s butter method “worked well” and everyone ate the corn on the cob and enjoyed it.

Since the post, there has been a flurry of discussion on social media about the benefits of buttering the corn on the cob.

Sanchez’s girlfriend waited until the corn on the cob was warm before covering it with butter rubbed between her hands

An unidentified man in the video held the jar of butter Sanchez’s friend used and asked what would happen if other housemates saw fingerprints in it.

“The way she butters the corn, we won’t eat corn anymore,” one TikTok user wrote.

Several people admitted that her buttering style is the reason they don’t go to potlucks, and at least three people compared her actions to sexual acts.

Several commenters also advocated the corn butter method, with one person even defending it.

“It’s her butter, and her hands are clean. Chefs in restaurants where you pay to eat do far worse things than touch the butter with their hands,” the commenter wrote.

A TikToker claiming to be from Alabama wrote, “This is just normal for me. This is how everyone I know does it. It’s quick and easy.”

The commentator from the south added that cooking in the countryside is all about “using your hands”.

Several social media users have slammed Sanchez’s girlfriend or defended her actions with corn butter. Reddit users have suggested other methods, such as using aluminum foil or containers

Reddit users have discussed different techniques for making corn butter in a thread after invented four years ago by someone who asked what method they use to butter corn on the cob.

Several users indicated that they use both hands and apply the butter manually.

“I take a handful of butter from a tub, lather it between my hands, then slowly and methodically massage it with both hands from head to toe, rotating slowly in a circular motion,” one Reddit user wrote.

Several Redditors who disagreed with this method left sharp responses, with one writing, “You’re smearing it on with a knife. How else do you put butter on things?”

Another wrote that they use a knife to grease corn cobs, “like a civilized person.”

Other methods Reddit users use to baste their corn on the cob include rolling the corn on the cob in aluminum foil, using a corn on the cob dish, or dipping it in melted butter.

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