Woman ‘spat out coffee made by doctor before growing suspicious his semen was in cup’, court hears

A woman has claimed that a doctor put his semen in cups of coffee he made for her because she was suspicious of a “salty” taste and a “globule-like” substance in the mug.

Dr. Nicholas Chapman, 55, of Taunton, Somerset, is on trial and charged with two counts of attempting to induce the woman to engage in sexual activity without consent.

The woman, who cannot be identified, told the Gloucester Crown Court jury: ‘I first noticed that when Dr Chapman made me coffee about a year ago, it tasted salty. I immediately spit it out. I saw a spherical substance at the bottom of the cup.

“Dr. Chapman has made several cups of coffee for me over time, but I clearly remember not drinking them.

“I also remember Dr Chapman showing me photos on his phone and these were mostly of his dog and country walks. However, when he flipped through these images, a picture of his erect penis popped up. Dr. Chapman said I shouldn’t have seen that.

Dr. Nicholas Chapman (picture arrives at court), 54, of Taunton, Somerset, denies two charges of attempting to engage a woman in sexual activity without her consent

“I thought this was a mistake at first, but it happened again on another occasion. I turned around and he said again “you shouldn’t have seen that”. I didn’t tell anyone about this.’

She added, “If I suspected something had been put in my coffee, I’d pretend I’d drunk it and pour some of it away to make it look like I’d drunk it.”

“I started asking myself what was going on.

“I was at a friend’s house once and when we suspected something was going on, we tried to fish out the contents. I didn’t know what it was, but I didn’t expect to find semen at the bottom of my cup.

“There was also residue around the rim of the cup. I made the decision to take action the next time I thought it might happen again.”

The woman contacted a friend and came up with a plan that the next time Chapman made her coffee, she said she threw away some of the contents and could see “stringy sticky residue” around the rim of the mug.

She said she took photos, stamped at 3:15 p.m. Sept. 14, then emptied the rest of the contents into a container and gave it to her friend who kept it in her freezer.

Mr Chapman (pictured) is accused of giving a woman a cup of coffee that contained his semen

She told the jury that arrangements were then made for the sample to be handed over to the police.

The GP was arrested and suspended when the allegations came to light.

Opening the prosecution case, attorney Richard Posner said it was in September 2021 when the alleged victim first became concerned that “something wasn’t right” with the hot drinks the doctor had made for her.

“She had good reason to be suspicious, because there was a substance in her coffee that wasn’t there at all. The defendant’s semen had been added to the drinks the prosecutor said he had made for her,’ he said.

“By adding semen to coffee, he had been trying to get her involved in some form of sexual activity — by making her ingest his semen.”

Mr Posner told how the woman took a sip of her drink in late 2020 and spat it into the sink because it didn’t taste right.

‘It tasted salty. She dumped the rest into the sink and saw a thick, bulging substance disappear into the sink.

“She just knew it was something that shouldn’t have been there.”

The woman told others that her drink tasted weird and that she would tip any other drinks he made for her during that time.

He said she then waited for another drink to be made for her and began her own investigation.

She picked up the coffee and poured it down a sink and saw a slimy trail.

“Some of the substance was recovered and placed in specimen jars and photographs were taken of the convex substance at the bottom of the mug.”

Gloucester Crown Court heard that after the victim found suspicious ‘specimens’ she reported him to the police and a lab test later confirmed the substance was ‘semen related to the doctor’

Samples were put in the freezer and she later gave them to the police.

Analysis of the coffee brewed on September 13, 2021, semen and DNA found provided a match for the defendant.

He was arrested by police and said during the interview that he was “shocked” and denied putting semen in the woman’s coffee.

Chapman later claimed that due to a medical condition he’s had since he was a teenager, he expels semen while defecating and may have had some “residue” left on his hands.

Mr Posner said the defendant accepted that he had ‘masturbated in toilets’ but ‘did not satisfy himself sexually over the victim and that he may not have washed his hands’.

The two allegations are that on September 13, 2021 and between September 12, 2020 and September 12, 2021, he attempted to engage in unauthorized sexual activity by making her swallow his semen.

Defense attorney Virginia Cornwall has told the jury that the doctor’s defense is that at no point did he behave inappropriately and not just make coffee for the woman.

She said he denies ever putting anything in her coffee and doesn’t know who did.

The process continues.

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