Woman sparks outrage after complaining to HR because her manager wears designer clothes


A mother has sparked outrage online after revealing she plans to complain to HR that her manager is wearing designer clothes while others are “struggling to heat their homes.”

The anonymous woman, from the UK, went to the parenting forum mumsnet to gather opinions on her dilemma, revealing that she and her colleagues believe their manager is “rubbing her wealth in their faces” amid the cost of living.

Her post angered many, some people said ‘it smacks of petty jealousy’ and others said ‘instead of running to HR for a whine, talk to them about increasing your salary.’

The woman explained the situation and asked if she was being unreasonable ‘in thinking that my manager is extremely insensitive to wearing these things at work?’

The anonymous woman, from the UK, has sparked outrage online after she revealed she plans to complain to HR about her manager wearing designer clothes while others are ‘struggling to heat their homes’ (stock image)

She added: ‘Our department head is very young and glamorous and quite new to the business.

“We know her salary range as stated in the job posting (a six figure salary while the rest of the team is lucky enough to earn a quarter of that).

Every day she comes into the office as if she is dressed for the runway, various designer handbags (the very obvious types – think Gucci, LV etc), Rolex watches, Cartier bracelets, designer belts and shoes.

“Not to mention the perfect nails, hair, and everything else we can’t afford these days.

The anonymous woman, from the UK, took to the parenting forum Mumsnet to gather opinions on her dilemma, revealing that she and her colleagues believe their manager is ‘rubbing her wealth in their faces’ amid the cost of living crisis.

She continued: ‘Meanwhile, our large team is underpaid and overworked. The recent financial climate means that many of us are struggling to heat our homes, worry about mortgage/rent increases and generally need to really economise.

“We all work in the office and this is something we often talk about in conversations, so she’s fully aware of this.

“She’s had the audacity before to say we’re all in a bind given the financial situation, which is an absolute insult to have her rub her wealth in our faces five days a week.

AIBU feels all outraged about this and wonders how on earth she can think it’s appropriate?

Her post made many angry, some people said ‘it smacks of petty jealousy’ and others said ‘instead of running to HR for a whine’ she should ‘talk to them about increasing her salary’

‘The whole team is angry about this and is considering raising it with HR.’

Many felt the woman was being unreasonable in asking what she actually expects from HR.

One person said, ‘Draging her down won’t lift you higher, so why bother? It smells like petty jealousy.

“She has the right to buy what she wants with her money and she has the right to use the things she’s bought. As long as she’s dressed appropriately for the office, it’s none of your business whether her outfit is Primark or Prada.

Many felt the woman was being unreasonable in asking what she expects HR to actually do, to which she replied asking the manager to “wear normal clothes.”

“Maybe instead of running to HR for a whine, talk to them about increasing your salary.”

Meanwhile, another wrote: ‘It’s not one woman’s fault that your company undervalues ​​and underpays its staff. The focus should be on lobbying to be paid fairly. Are you in a union?’

Someone else asked, ‘You go to HR and complain that your supervisor wears designer clothes and gets her nails done? And what do you think HR will do about it?’

While the original poster got back and said people missed the point completely.

More people suggested that if she wanted a higher salary, she should ask for a raise or apply for a job with a better pay

She said, ‘You missed the point. It’s not her salary that’s the problem, it’s her insensitive presentation of her wealth to us in a very tacky and outrageous way.

‘I suggest you read my post again. Obviously everyone is missing the point completely. The whole team is angry, so I’m not the only one with this opinion.’

More people suggested that if she wanted a higher salary, she should ask for a raise or apply for a job with a better pay.

One of them wrote: ‘If she’s your head then her position and salary are probably achievable for you too if you want to. But if your entire team wants to earn more, so that you can also buy nice stuff, then you all have to apply for better paying jobs.’

Another said, ‘Wow. Just wow. you want your boss not to do her nails, wear handkerchiefs and ashes and sell her designer clothes just to make you feel better?

Complaining to HR based on your own envy & jealousy? Wow. petty?

“If you want that salary, you do that work. If you can’t do that work, don’t be jealous of the extras that come with it.’

However, some others understood why she was upset – but admitted that she needed to focus on getting a higher salary.

While others understood why she was upset but admitted she needed to focus on getting a higher salary

One person said, “I can understand you’re all annoyed, but I don’t think HR can do anything as long as she doesn’t break the office dress code, if there is one at all.

“Perhaps a more proactive approach is to come together and lobby for a pay rise? You can research all other jobs in your industry and see if your salary is even. Get help from your union representative if you have one.’

Another wrote: ‘I think I would have said YABU before this happened to me. But ever since the same thing happened to me – the multimillionaire boss kept leaving his Prada backpack lying around telling people in meetings he didn’t think anyone should get a raise to help with living expenses – and knows how it feels now I say YANBU. It sucks.’

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