Woman sparks furious debate after not letting previous homeowners revisit her house

A woman has sparked a heated debate online after she refused to let the previous homeowners enter and view their former house.

A Reddit user, who calls himself ‘No-Ask3051’, asked users online: ‘AITA (Am I The A******) you won’t let me [the] ‘former owners of the house look inside the house and garden?’

The Redditor, who in the popular AITA subredditexplained that her parents bought the property in 1993 from an owner who lived there with his three daughters.

One day the user’s neighbor randomly appeared in [her] ‘Garden’, with the three daughters, and told her that the sisters ‘want to see what everything looks like now.’

The Redditor assumed the family just wanted to take a look from the outside, but they were eager to get inside.

A woman has sparked a heated debate online after she refused to let the previous homeowners enter and view their former home (see photo from Reddit post)

A Reddit user, who calls himself 'No-Ask3051', asked users online: 'AITA (Am I The A******) you won't let me [the] former owners of the house look inside the house and garden' (stock image)

A Reddit user, who calls himself ‘No-Ask3051’, asked users online: ‘AITA (Am I The A******) you won’t let me [the] former owners of the house look inside the house and garden’ (stock image)

The Redditor explained that her neighbor is “a nice lady” [who is] “She always helps,” she added, “We don’t have any problems with her and we don’t want to have any.”

After the request was made to look inside, the Redditor explained, “I stood there confused but said ‘Okay,'” [and] Than [there was] two minutes of complete silence.

I thought they would just look from the outside and that [was] It.

Then my neighbor said, “Can they come in and see what it looks like now?”

‘I said, ‘Everything has changed, but no, sorry. I don’t feel comfortable with that. I don’t know you.’

When the user refused to give the sisters a tour, “the neighbor became angry” and the sisters “were also visibly angry.”

The irate neighbor called the user “really mean” and in frustration asked, “Why wouldn’t you… [you] ‘Let them look inside the house? What could happen?’

The Redditor shared, “I was pretty shocked, but politely told her, ‘I’m not comfortable with it.’”

The user explained that if she were in the same situation, she would simply view her former home “from the road” and continue where [she] ‘went in the first place.’

The Redditor, who posted on the popular AITA subreddit, explained that her parents purchased the property in 1993 from an owner who lived there with his three daughters (stock image)

The Redditor, who posted on the popular AITA subreddit, explained that her parents purchased the property in 1993 from an owner who lived there with his three daughters (stock image)

The new homeowner desperately asked the users, “Am I the a****** not to let them see inside and give them a tour? [the] garden, etc.?

The Redditor edited the post to add: ‘Mom just got home from work. After I told her what happened, she told me it happened 10 years ago.

“She was confused too, but she let them in because she didn’t want to fight with our neighbor. So they’ve already seen the house.”

The user provided more context in the comments, adding that she thought, “Wtf? Now it seems even creepier…” after learning the siblings had seen the house before.

In another comment she wrote: ‘They live 932 miles away from here. They were in my country once. [every] three years, because [of] They still have to sort out some paperwork.

“They still have a house here. If they’re so good with my neighbor, they should know that this is not for sale, and that won’t be for a while…”

In another comment, the user explained: ‘We have [a] MAJOR renovation inside [in] 2007 – almost everything demolished after the big earthquake that tested people [the] stability of the house and the ground, because we felt that [the] house sinks a little in the middle.

‘They drilled a hole in the high foundation of the house and discovered that there was actually NO foundation – just the “frame” that holds up the house. So maybe [the] ‘Ex-owners really hid something there hahaha.’

The Reddit post received more than 1,700 upvotes and 165 comments.

Most users commented that the Redditor is ‘NTA’ (Not The A******).

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1725097435 528 Woman sparks furious debate after not letting previous homeowners revisit

The Reddit post received over 1,700 upvotes and 165 comments, with most users commenting that the Redditor is

The Reddit post received over 1,700 upvotes and 165 comments, with most users commenting that the Redditor is “NTA” (Not The A******)

Someone wrote: ‘Maybe the three daughters were feeling nostalgic, but when you say ‘no’, it’s ‘no’. It’s [hasn’t] their home for 30 years.

‘NTA. Tell your neighbor that she doesn’t get to dictate how you respond to a request.’

A second person commented: ‘NTA. I’ve heard way too many stories from “people who used to live there,” [and] People who want to visit their old homes, but they just want to explore the area to see if there is anything to steal.

“It’s not worth it, and it’s not their home anymore. And to top it all off, this was ’93 when the house was sold, so that’s over 30 years. They don’t remember that f****** place.”

A third person added: ‘NTA. Sure, it would have been nice of you to do that (especially since I assume that neighbor knew [them] when [they were] (if you live there, so it wasn’t just someone pretending to live there), but you are in no way obligated to do so.

“It’s your house, and you may have all kinds of reasons for not wanting strangers in your house, and that’s nobody’s business.”

Only a few users responded with ‘YTA’ (You’re The A******).

Someone wrote: ‘A bit YTA, sorry. You don’t know them, but your neighbor does, and they didn’t come without her. Your nice neighbor would never bring you someone like that. They were probably nostalgic.

‘Maybe they saw the house when they were 12 and now they’re 22 – you don’t know.

‘Dishes and clothes don’t matter. I don’t get [the] other comments – if I could make someone’s day better by doing nothing (it would probably take 5 minutes max) I would do it – let alone three [people’s days].

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1725097448 336 Woman sparks furious debate after not letting previous homeowners revisit

Only a few users responded with 'YTA' (You're The A******)

Only a few users responded with ‘YTA’ (You’re The A******)

“It wasn’t a big deal to make anyone happy, and I know it would make me happy if my parents sold my family home. People on Reddit don’t do anything for others unless they get something in return.”

A second person noted, “Three times in the last few years we’ve been outside, standing [while] to look at a house. [The] The owner comes out and asks what we are doing.

“We told them and we invited all three of them for a tour. One was over an hour long. YTA – a special type because they owned the house. You’re unconsciously well-educated.”

A third person added: ‘It’s funny how you can’t have a minority opinion on Reddit. It’s kind of sad.

“I would say YTA because it’s not that serious. If your house is dirty, just tell them to come back another time. It’s such a small gesture that can make someone’s day.”