Woman reveals she spent two years going on six dates a week so she didn’t have to buy GROCERIES


A woman who sparked a fierce debate after revealing she spent two years going on six dates every week just so she wouldn’t have to buy groceries, which she said ended up saving her about $15,600 in total, has defended her actions.

Vivian Tu, a former Wall Street trader who has gained millions of followers on TikTok and Instagram for often sharing financial tips and tricks under the username @tuRichBFFHe first spoke about the controversial stunt in a video posted in 2021.

“When they say women are bad with money but you used to go on six dates a week to avoid paying for groceries,” she wrote in the clip, which showed her raising her sunglasses and looking at the camera as she sat on the I usually. beach.

‘Between 2016 and 2018 I did not buy groceries even once. She probably saved about $150 a week,’ she captioned the post.

A woman who sparked a fierce debate after revealing she spent two years going on six dates every week just so she wouldn’t have to buy groceries has defended her actions.

Vivian Tu is a former Wall Street trader who has gained millions of followers on TikTok and Instagram for often sharing financial tips and tricks under the username @YourRichBFF.

Vivian Tu is a former Wall Street trader who has gained millions of followers on TikTok and Instagram for often sharing financial tips and tricks under the username @YourRichBFF.

Now the viral TikTok star and money expert has spoken about the experience further. daily eliteinsisting that the video was exaggerated and that she “didn’t start dating just for food.”

However, Vivian admitted that she She couldn’t help but enjoy the perks of receiving free dinners from her would-be love interests, and she definitely took advantage of them as time went on.

“Back then, I was working as a stock trader and making $95,000, but my expenses were very high,” he explained.

I lived in Manhattan and paid rent for my apartment in Hell’s Kitchen. It wasn’t that easy to get groceries.

‘The market closest to my apartment was incredibly expensive, so I never felt comfortable shopping there.

‘Instead, I’d drag my ass on the subway 15 blocks to Trader Joe’s and grab whatever I could carry. It wasn’t easy, and I really had to think strategically about what I was buying.

He first spoke about the controversial stunt in a video posted in 2021, and it sparked a huge discussion among viewers.

1674509452 53 Woman reveals she spent two years going on six dates

He first spoke about the controversial stunt in a video posted in 2021, and it sparked a huge discussion among viewers.

Now, the viral TikTok star and money expert spoke about the experience beyond Elite Daily, insisting that

Now, the viral TikTok star and money expert has spoken about the experience beyond Elite Daily, insisting that she “didn’t start dating just for food.”

However, Vivian admitted that she couldn't help but enjoy the perks of receiving free dinners from her would-be love interests, and she definitely took advantage of it as time went on.

However, Vivian admitted that she couldn’t help but enjoy the perks of receiving free dinners from her would-be love interests, and she definitely took advantage of it as time went on.

I am very much in the camp you are dating to find love. But if the thought is like, “Oh, I can go to a fun tapas restaurant (probably) for free, or I can spend my own money on food at the grocery store that I still need to cook. And it’s probably not going to taste as good.” “Obviously there is a subconscious thought involved.”

In the end, he said it saved him thousands of dollars.  And while she warned that it could result in 'bad karma,' she said the worst thing that happened to her was that he had to put up with some bad dates.

In the end, he said it saved him thousands of dollars. And while she warned that it could result in ‘bad karma,’ she said the worst thing that happened to her was that he had to put up with some bad dates.

While Vivian said she started out wanting to find someone who “clicked” with, she explained that after she started dating a lot, she quickly noticed a change in her weekly spending.

“I found that by dating, I was saving $50-$100 a week,” she continued.

“Added over time, it amounted to thousands of dollars I didn’t have before: discretionary income that I could spend on other things, like savings, investments, and a black Prada bag to replace my tattered Longchamp bag.”

In the end, Vivian, who works as a strategic sales associate at a tech company, said there are “more strategic ways to save money” and warned that using romance as a “money-saving strategy” could result in you getting ‘Karma. negative.’

However, she added that the worst thing that happened to her was that she had to put up with some bad dates, including a man who spent 90 minutes talking about “how amazing she was and how much money she made,” only to have her share the account with him.

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1674509494 361 Woman reveals she spent two years going on six dates

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1674509516 750 Woman reveals she spent two years going on six dates

1674509522 787 Woman reveals she spent two years going on six dates

1674509535 13 Woman reveals she spent two years going on six dates

1674509548 341 Woman reveals she spent two years going on six dates

1674509558 527 Woman reveals she spent two years going on six dates

1674509566 489 Woman reveals she spent two years going on six dates

1674509575 843 Woman reveals she spent two years going on six dates

1674509583 552 Woman reveals she spent two years going on six dates

When Vivian first shared the video, some praised her actions as

When Vivian first shared the video, some praised her actions as “cool” and others called them “unethical.”

“Realistically, the worst case scenario is splitting the bill, something I’ve always offered to do anyway,” he concluded.

“And even if you put your card down, it’s still a win: You can say you went somewhere new, ate great, and made a new connection—or, at the very least, practiced your small talk.”

Vivian’s actions sparked a lot of discussion among viewers when the video was posted in 2021, with some calling it “genius” and others calling it “unethical.”

‘Queen behavior,’ read one supportive comment, while a second read, ‘Boss Girl.’

‘That’s gangsta,’ another person wrote. Someone else added: “You might be onto something.”

‘So feminism only when it benefits you?’ read a scathing response.

“But if you were good with money you wouldn’t need those dates,” another viewer noted.

‘Tell me you’re cheap without telling me you’re cheap,’ someone else said.

‘Toxic femininity,’ read a different comment, while one user added: ‘This is unethical. False.’