I was rejected from a job I was perfect for because I didn’t wear makeup to the interview

A job hunter has claimed she was rejected from a role she was perfectly suited for – all because she didn’t wear make-up to the interview.

Melissa Weaver, 30, from New York, revealed in a recent TikTok that she applied for a position as vice president of HR at a technology company, but says she was rejected after the recruiter felt she hadn’t put “enough effort” into her appearance.

The video sparked outrage among Ms. Weaver’s followers, many of whom noted that her experience is clear evidence that “considerable privilege is real.”

Some even urged her to sue the unnamed company, but Ms. Weaver noted in a follow-up video that while it is illegal in the U.S. to discriminate as a recruiter based on age, race, gender, religion or sexuality, employers can impose a fine. decision based on appearance.

In the clip, which has now been viewed more than 700,000 times, the job hunter said: ‘If women don’t wear make-up to interviews or jobs, it seems like they don’t put as much effort or care into their work? ‘

Melissa Weaver (pictured), 30, claimed she was rejected from a job that suited her perfectly because she didn’t wear make-up during the interview

The job seeker from New York City was told that her appearance did not show that she cared enough about the role, despite wearing a blazer and earrings and having her hair specially done.

The job seeker from New York City was told that her appearance did not show that she cared enough about the role, despite wearing a blazer and earrings and having her hair specially done.

She went on to explain that she was all the more baffled by the decision because she had been told that “her background was exactly what they were looking for,” that she had the right level of experience and that her personal goals aligned with those of the company.

After leaving her last job in December, Ms Weaver was delighted to land this interview three months later, saying it went “so well”.

“Every question she had, I had a great answer,” she explained.

She added: “I used to work in recruitment. I know how to interview.”

However, after being both ‘unlucky’ and ‘very confused’ about not reaching the next stage, the 30-year-old asked for feedback.

Since appearance was given as the reason for her rejection, she deduced through a process of elimination that this meant she should have worn makeup.

“I blow-dried my hair, I had a nice top or a blazer, a pair of earrings, but I just put on Chapstick, I had no makeup,” she revealed.

‘I don’t really wear much make-up, not to be quirky, I just don’t.’

I was rejected from a job I was perfect for

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Replies were surprised, saying she 'dodged a bullet' by not getting the position, while she revealed she avoids make-up because it irritates her eyes.

Replies were surprised, saying she ‘dodged a bullet’ by not getting the position, while she revealed she avoids make-up because it irritates her eyes.

She revealed in her follow-up that wearing makeup irritates her eyes and skin, which is why she avoids it if possible.

Those commenting on the viral TikTok expressed their disbelief at the outcome, with some even sharing similar stories.

One asked: ‘Is that legal?!’

Others said: ‘That really feels like discrimination. I won’t hire you based on your looks…

‘Should it matter? No. Does it matter? Unfortunately, yes…

‘Unreasonable. Are men denied jobs because they don’t wear makeup?

‘Absolutely ridiculous that we are expected to literally PAIN our faces to be considered “put together” or “professional”…

“I can’t believe she put that in writing…”

“It’s wild that she said that in an email to you: This would never be said to a man…

“You dodged a bullet (in my opinion).”

Ms. Weaver was actually fairly measured in her response, questioning whether her rejection on the grounds of not wearing makeup was akin to a man not getting a job because his beard was unkempt or because he had a facial tattoo.

However, one woman shared her experience as vice president, saying, “I haven’t worn makeup in five to six years now. Not a good reason not to look for a job.’

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Other women shared their experiences of feeling judged for not wearing make-up, despite it not affecting their work

Other women shared their experiences of feeling judged for not wearing make-up, despite it not affecting their work

Others commented, “I’ve experienced something similar before. I had about four interviews with this one place and they said they didn’t pick me because of my outfit choices. It felt like a waste of time…

‘I got a high-stress job and started wearing less make-up. People said I looked stressed. I started wearing more makeup again, suddenly I was a high performer again. I did the same level of work…

‘I was at university working as a receptionist and my boss told me I should put more effort into my appearance as I am the first person clients see. It was a children’s clinic…

“A few years ago I was told almost exactly the same thing, except they said ‘not polished enough.’ It turned out to be my curly hair. It was too wild. Insanity.’

A survey of more than 500 hiring professionals in 2021 by Fairy god boss found that appearance is a strong predictor of judgments of professionalism in women.

From a selection of hypothetical female candidates, the one most often selected as most likely to be hired was a young, thin, white brunette.