Woman is pregnant with own son’s child


A 56-year-old mother has revealed she is pregnant with her own son’s baby – after her daughter-in-law discovered she couldn’t carry a child.

Nancy Hauck, of St. George, Utah, decided to become a surrogate mother for her son, Jeff Hauck, 32, and his wife, Cambria, 30, after her daughter-in-law had a hysterectomy, meaning she could no longer bear children.

Knowing that her son loved being a father, she offered to be the couple’s surrogate for the time being – not thinking it would be possible because of her age.

But the embryo has been successfully transferred – and the baby is now due in November, with Nancy saying she “can’t wait to go into labor.”

Nancy, an administrator, said, “I never thought I’d be pregnant at 56 or that this would be possible, but it’s the most beautiful thing there is.

Nancy Hauck, 56, from Utah, helped out after her daughter-in-law was unable to carry a child — and says she can’t wait to give birth to her granddaughter

Pictured (L-R) Nancy, Cambria, Jeff and Jason. The family is delighted to have another child coming soon

Nancy decided she wanted to be a surrogate mother for her son Jess and her daughter-in-law Cambria because they had struggled so much with fertility issues.

They went through IVF treatment for six years before having twins, Vera and Ayva, now three.

They then had twins, Diseal and Luka, now 11 months – but the birth was traumatic and resulted in Cambria having to undergo a hysterectomy, which left her unable to bear children.

But the couple had even more frozen embryos in storage, which they had hoped to implant.

Nancy said: “They’ve struggled a lot with infertility, but they had seven embryos to try with IVF and decided they wanted to use them all.

Nancy volunteered to be a surrogate for her son, Jeff Hauck, 32, and his wife, Cambria, 30, after her daughter-in-law had a hysterectomy following the traumatic birth of their twins.

A scan of the embryo transplanted in Nancy after Cambria had a hysterectomy, which left her unable to bear more children

“Cambria couldn’t carry her own children anymore. And I felt a few months after that I would offer to do it.

Within the surrogacy journey: what is it and how does it work?

Surrogacy is when a woman carries a baby for a couple who cannot conceive or carry a child of their own.

Such couples may be those who have had repeated miscarriages, repeated IVF failures, premature menopause, or a hysterectomy.

The risks of surrogacy are the same as with any pregnancy, and include nausea, heartburn, and back pain.

In extreme cases, surrogates may suffer from high blood pressure or gestational diabetes.

Direct Surrogacy

This includes the use of the surrogate mother’s egg and the intended father’s sperm.

It is the least expensive and simplest form of the procedure.

Host Surrogacy

Host surrogacy requires IVF with either the intended mother’s eggs or donor eggs instead of the surrogate’s.

In this case, the surrogate is genetically unrelated to the baby.

Donor eggs can be from friends or relatives, or donated anonymously.

“I told my son, and he burst into tears and was shocked — I hadn’t even told my husband at the time, but he really supported me.”

But despite her offer, none of the family thought it would be possible because of her age.

“I told my son and Cambria I wanted to, but I thought I was getting old.

“But to my surprise, the doctors said I was healthy and I could do it and here I am.

“The pregnancy was very similar to carrying my son, but I’ve been a bit more nauseous. I feel very powerful to carry my son’s daughter.”

However, they still mentioned the idea to fertility doctors, saying Nancy had previously had five healthy children with no complications.

“The doctor said I might be a carrier and asked me to come in for an exam to see if I was viable,” Nancy said.

“I was shocked it might be an option, but I’m still very willing to do it for my son.”

The study found that Nancy was a viable carrier, but it was likely that they had to act quickly before she entered menopause.

“I left the choice to Jeff and Cambria,” Nancy said.

“They had just had their twins, so it was very soon after that to have another baby.

“But they decided to go for it.”

Nancy began her hormone treatment in January 2022, injecting herself every day for 12 weeks with the help of her husband and Jeff’s father, Jason, 59, an optometrist.

The fertilized embryo was placed in her uterus a month later.

And they were all “over the moon” when it worked.

“It was a little scary because it had been 26 years since I had a baby,” Nancy said.

“I had a feeling right before the blood test that it was working, and I did a test and it was positive.

Pictured Jess, Cambria, Nancy and Jason with a scan photo. Soon they will all welcome another girl into the world

Jeff said what his mother has done has left him in awe of her “kindness, love, strength, attitude, wisdom and devotion”

Meanwhile, Cambria, 30, has praised her mother-in-law and said she tries to support her during her anxious and happy moments

“They were overjoyed when we knew I was pregnant.”

Nancy said the pregnancy was similar to her other, except she was a little more sick.

And she said that while her other kids were scared of her at first, they’ve now come up with the idea.

She added: “This has all been a big leap of faith. It is remarkable and beautiful to do. I think this is quite rare to do.

“I never planned it, but I’m so glad I chose to carry my son’s baby.”

Cambria has been able to attend every appointment with Nancy and the family were delighted to learn that they were expecting a girl in May 2022.

Cambria, a dance studio owner, said, “It’s so humbled that Nancy is doing this for us.

“She sacrifices so much for us and our family and we feel so grateful. It was so wonderful and beautiful to watch Nancy carry our sweet girl.

“She is nothing short of amazing and filled with so much light and grace.

“They say pregnancy comes with a glow, but Nancy’s is a lighthouse.”

Nancy and Jason – pictured here by a cliff – are excited to be grandparents again

Nancy (pictured right here on a beach) came to her rescue to help her daughter-in-law Cambria (left) after Cambria could no longer bear children

She added that she communicates “constantly” with Nancy, sharing both the scary and the funny moments.

And she says it was special to be able to support her.

She said, “I like to give gifts and Nancy is constantly on my mind, so if I see something that reminds me of her, I get it.

“I try to cook her favorite meals, we beg her to rub her foot and take every opportunity to show our love and gratitude for this miracle she performs for us.

“We can’t wait to meet our daughter.”

Nancy’s son Jeff, a computer scientist, said, “I was grateful to have such a selfless and loving mother [who] was willing to make such a sacrifice for my family.

Pictured Jeff and Cambria, Nancy and Jason with three-year-old girls Vera and Ayva, and 11-month-old boys Diseal and Luka

Barefoot in the sand: the family loves to care for and support each other – even during this unusual journey

“Having gone through infertility treatments for over four years, I knew how complicated the process can be and doubted it would be possible for her to carry a baby for us, but I was very touched that she would even offer it.” .

“The whole journey has left me in awe. I am in awe of my mother – her kindness, love, strength, attitude, wisdom and dedication through this experience was humble and beautiful to watch.”

Nancy’s granddaughter is due on November 5 and – everything goes according to plan – is born with Jason, Jeff and Cambria in the room.

Jeff added: “Being a father has always been my dream, I adore each of my children and take my role and responsibility as their father very seriously.

“The chance to be the father of another beautiful girl is the greatest gift and the greatest blessing I could receive.

“There is no refund for such a thing – all I can do is follow my parents’ example and try to give the same level of love and devotion to my own family and to others.”

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