Woman left in a fury after ‘ridiculous’, ‘hidden’ birthday cake cutting fee at restaurant


Young woman shocked by expensive ‘hidden’ fee at restaurant, but others claim it’s completely fair

  • A young woman was left in shock after being charged a cake-cutting fee
  • But others explained that the practice is “very common.”

Birthday girl Gigi, pictured, was shocked when she was accused of ‘cakeage’ at a restaurant

A young woman has revealed her surprise when she was charged a $25 fee to “cut the cake” at a restaurant where she enjoyed her birthday brunch, saying she had “never heard of such a thing.”

Gigi took to TikTok to complain about the extra charge at the American restaurant, but her fans were divided and hundreds criticized her for not realizing the “very normal” extra charge.

The young blonde, who is from the US, explained that she was having lunch with two friends when a waitress asked her if she wanted her cake cut.

She happily complied and the waitress took it back to the kitchen before returning with it carefully arranged on four plates.

The group enjoyed the desert, but things changed when they got the bill.

“I thought he was just doing something nice for us,” he said.

The friends had surprised Gigi with the cake, and initially thought they would eat it somewhere else.

“But the servers insisted on taking the cake back to the kitchen and cutting it, which was not our plan,” he said.


Do you think a pie-cutting fee is fair?

He shared a photo of his receipt and defended his naïveté by adding that he works in the industry.

‘I’ve been a server and we never charge customers or didn’t have a charge. I get the charge, but it was surprising.

He also said that he would have been happy to pay the fee if he had known before the bill came.

“I don’t care that they accused me, I was just surprised because it was a surprise,” he said.

‘We never asked them to serve me the cake I brought. Just like they never told me it was a charge.

People were divided in the comments, with many saying they would have refused to pay.

The young woman was furious after finding out about the charge when the bill arrived

The young woman was furious after finding out about the charge when the bill arrived

“I would have asked for a manager – they can’t charge extra fees without letting you know,” said one woman.

While another insisted that “they can’t charge for a cake they didn’t sell”.

But others said it’s a common practice, because the restaurant has to wash dishes and cutlery, and also budget for guests who stay longer at their table.

In fact, the surcharge is common all over the world, including in Australia, the UK, and Canada, according to some people’s feedback.

‘If you’re there an extra 45 minutes for cake, you’re taking up a table and not piling more money into your account.

“The waiter then gets a smaller tip than he normally would for a table that stays that long.”

The video has been viewed a million times.