Woman found with indecent pictures of children had ‘willingly’ helped perverted sex offender with his ‘paedophiliac fantasies’, court hears

  • Toni Andrews claimed the man pressured her to commit the offences
  • The 23-year-old was ‘in love’ with him and they exchanged sexual messages

A woman found with indecent images of children had ‘willingly’ helped a perverted sex offender with his ‘pedophilic fantasies’, a court has heard.

Toni Andrews, 23, ‘bombarded’ the man with sexual messages because she was ‘in love’ with him and was drawn into his ‘pedophilic fantasies’ about children, Hull Crown Court Heard was told.

Michael Forrest, prosecuting, told the court that in April 2021 the National Crime Agency received information that an internet user had uploaded indecent images of children.

The man was arrested and a number of devices were seized from him.

He later admitted sexual offenses and possession of indecent images, and was jailed for two years in 2021. Andrews was subsequently arrested in December 2021 in connection with the case and it was discovered that she had indecent images involving children.

Andrews, who had no previous convictions, had 29 indecent images in the most serious category A, nine in category B and 35 in category C. She also had 435 prohibited images of children and 190 extreme pornographic images, as well as five other indecent images. Pictures.

Toni Andrews, 23, (pictured) ‘bombarded’ the man with sexual messages because she was ‘in love’ with him and got carried away with his ‘pedophilic fantasies’ about children, Hull Crown Court Heard

Andrews (pictured) claimed she was pressured by the man to commit the offenses and was 'in love' with him

Andrews (pictured) claimed she was pressured by the man to commit the offenses and was ‘in love’ with him

Andrews was jailed for 16 months at Hull Crown Court

Andrews was jailed for 16 months at Hull Crown Court

The court heard she had ‘willingly’ joined the man’s fantasies, they had exchanged highly sexualised messages and she kept diaries in two separate notebooks.

Andrews claimed she had been pressured by the man to commit the offenses and that she was ‘in love’ with him.

Mitigating, Rachel Scott told the court: ‘She understands and appreciates the situation she finds herself in.

“She understands the effect her offense has had. She has not committed any new offenses in the past two years since these offenses were committed.

“There is no excuse for this type of behavior and she understands that. She never wants to put herself in this position again.”

She added that Andrews had pleaded guilty at an early stage.

Andrews, from Hull, admitted three offenses of possessing indecent images of a child, two other offenses involving indecent images of a child and other offenses including possessing prohibited images of children and possessing extreme images of pornography.

Judge Mark Bury told Andrews she ‘encouraged’ the man and was ‘aware’ of his sexual interests in children.

“You knew exactly what happened here,” he told her. ‘You were willing to do this and you did it voluntarily.

‘I am convinced that you as a person have no sexual interest in children. You went along with the events you performed.

‘You should have known there was a line you couldn’t cross. I would be remiss in my duty if I did not punish you for this transgression, and I think deep down you understand that.”

Andrews was given a 16-month prison sentence and must register as a sex offender for 10 years.