Woman double murderer on death row chokes on her food in a Japanese prison


Woman double murderer on death row chokes on her food while waiting to be hanged in a Japanese prison

  • Miyuki Ueta died in hospital after choking on her food in Hiroshima prison
  • The 49-year-old was sentenced to death in 2012 for the murder of two men.
  • He drugged the men he owed money to with sleeping pills and drowned them

A Japanese death row assassin choked on prison food, just four days after being hospitalized for the exact same reason.

Miyuki Ueta, who was convicted of double murder and robbery in the 2009 deaths of two men, lost consciousness at the Hiroshima detention center on Saturday night.

The 49-year-old woman began choking around 4:20 p.m. and staff desperately tried to clear the food from her throat before she was rushed to hospital.

Japanese prisoners often eat healthy dishes consisting of whole grain barley mixed with rice, low-fat vegetable dishes, miso soup and grilled fish.

Miyuki Ueta (pictured) died after choking on her food in prison while on death row for the murder of two men.

The convict, who was under medication, was confirmed dead at 6:55 p.m.

Four days earlier, the former bar worker was also taken to hospital after choking on food. the times of japan informed.

In 2009, Ueta drugged truck driver Kazumi Yabe, 47, at sea and then killed 57-year-old Hideki Maruyama six months later, drugging him with sleeping pills and drowning him in a river.

The killer maintained his innocence at all times despite owing money to both victims.

The verdicts were based primarily on circumstantial evidence, that Ueta was the last person to see both men before their disappearances, and the fact that he had bought sleeping pills just before his sudden death.

The convicted murderer lost consciousness at the Hiroshima Detention Center (pictured) on Saturday night.

She was sentenced to death in 2012 and the Supreme Court overturned an appeal in 2017.

The judges said the defendant committed “cruel crimes based on strong intent to kill.”

The son of murder victim Hideki Maruyama said he was “shocked” by her sudden death.

He said nhk: ‘It’s been 14 years since my father died, and I’m amazed that a death row inmate would die this way. Since then, I think he has taken too long to execute.

“Every day I put my hands on my father at the Buddhist altar in my house, and tonight I would like to put my hands together and report today.”

There are currently 105 inmates on death row in Japan.

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