Woman claims she worked out her boyfriend had cheated because he ‘lasted longer than usual’ in bed


A woman has revealed how she figured out her boyfriend had cheated on her when he lasted a suspiciously long time in bed.

Pernille Torhov, 22, had been dating her boyfriend for four months when he went on a short staycation in their home county of Norway with friends – but when he returned, she noticed a sudden difference in their sex life which rang alarm bells.

After he lasted much longer in bed than usual, Pernille said she had strong suspicions something was wrong – and a week later the guilty boyfriend confessed his infidelity.

Pernille Torhov, 22, from Norway, had been dating her boyfriend for four months when he went on a trip with some friends and she suspected he had cheated

Pernille, a personal disability assistant, said her boyfriend lasted longer than usual in bed when he returned from the trip

Personal disability assistant Pernille said: ‘I thought that the sex wouldn’t last that long since it had been a week since we last saw each other, but if anything, he lasted longer than usual in bed.     

‘Then I was thinking to myself that it was a bit strange, but didn’t say anything to him.’

Pernille tried to convince herself she was being paranoid after she had been scarred by a previous relationship in which she was cheated on. 

She added: ‘I was so in love with this man that I think I just turned a blind eye.’

However just a week later her instincts were proved correct when her boyfriend sent her a snapchat message telling her he had slept with another woman on the trip.

Pernille said she became suspicious when her boyfriend lasted longer than usual in bed and worried he might have cheated

After being cheated on in the past Pernille’s guard was up and she was heightened to red flags that suggested something was wrong

Despite feeling uneasy about her boyfriend’s change in the bedroom, Pernille said she convinced herself she was being paranoid

The 22-year-old added she had been preparing to go out with her boyfriend and their friends on the night he confessed to his infidelity

Ultimately Pernille decided to take her boyfriend back because he is a ‘sweet and nice boy’ but her friends aren’t supportive of her decision

The message read: ‘I feel pretty bad and I’m disappointed in myself because there’s something I haven’t told you.

‘One of the boys invited two girls on our cabin trip, and I ended up sleeping with one of them.

‘We don’t exactly have an agreement to be exclusive, but I still thought it was bad of me when we’ve been together a lot lately, and especially not to say anything to you at first.’

His message went on to explain that he hadn’t initially been interested in the other girls and had told them he had a girlfriend, but added ‘It was pretty obvious that one of the girls had a crush on me’. 

He said: ‘Towards the end of the evening, they had to sleep over because they couldn’t get home, and there are only two bedrooms there.

‘She slept in my room, and it went as it did, but that’s no excuse anyway, I thought it was stupid of me.

‘I’ve been such a coward to wait until now. It hurts to think about how good and kind you are to me, and this is what you get back from me.

‘I am quite disappointed with myself because this is really not the person I want to be.’

After reading the message Pernille was left upset at the betrayal – and angry her boyfriend had confessed via Snapchat.  

The night he sent the message the pair were supposed to be going out together with their friends – but their plans were quickly scuppered.

‘”I just called him on FaceTime straight away and told him that this was not something I wanted to talk about over the phone and if he wanted to apologise he had to do it face to face. He then drove to me and we sat down and talked about it,’ she explained.

‘Because of being treated very badly in my last relationship my head was telling me to drop this boy on the spot, but my heart obviously still wanted to be with him since I had a huge crush on him.

‘I was very clear with him that it would be very hard for me to trust him again and I never accepted his apology.’

Pernille added she found it ‘disgusting’ that her boyfriend came home and had sex with her just after being with the girl on the trip. 

She was also annoyed he had spent the entire week pretending everything was fine before confessing to his betrayal. 

After a long conversation, Pernille decided to give her boyfriend another chance because he is a ‘sweet and nice boy’. 

But after a long conversation she decided to give things another shot. However, her friends are not on board with her decision.

‘Some of them still don’t fully trust him after that, I don’t either, but I’m working on it, Pernille said.

‘My family don’t know, and I’m glad they don’t as I don’t want them to think badly about him now that we are in a relationship.’

She shared the tale on TikTok where her post racked up more than 700,000 views before her account was taken down for an unrelated reason.

After working through their issues, the couple have remained together.

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