Woman arrested after arranging a Valentine’s Day threesome for her boyfriend with a prostitute during a trip to Stockholm after the escort was shocked by ‘disgusting things’ they wanted to do

A woman has been arrested for arranging a Valentine’s Day threesome with a prostitute for her boyfriend after the sex worker said she was shocked by the “disgusting things” they wanted to do.

The couple, a 35-year-old woman and a 25-year-old man who have not yet been named, are said to have arranged for a prostitute to join them in their Stockholm hotel room last Valentine’s Day after the first woman they contacted , didn’t show up.

The sex worker, a 29-year-old Romanian woman who lives in Bucharest but occasionally works in Sweden, said the couple wanted to do “disgusting things”, adding that the 35-year-old was “open-minded and she wanted to ‘. many favors from me.’

The 29-year-old, who said she has been a sex worker for more than a decade, said she left after 40 minutes, adding: “I mainly wanted it to end quickly so I could leave.”

The woman in the couple paid the sex worker 2,500 kroner (£182) for her services via PayPal.

After being confronted by police about the incident in August, she immediately confessed.

When asked why she sought the help of a sex worker, she told police: ‘This was something we both decided we wanted to do together. The idea from the start was to experience something new.’

However, the friend initially lied during interrogation, telling police: ‘I don’t remember buying sex in Stockholm. I can’t remember that. I’m in shock. It doesn’t feel like this is happening.’

Swedish prosecutors have recommended a suspended sentence and fines for the couple, who are charged in Nacka District Court (file image)

But when he realized his girlfriend had admitted to the incident, he said: “We were there to celebrate Valentine’s Day. At the end of the evening we bought sex. I don’t remember all the details. Sure, we bought sex.”

He also admitted that this was not the first time the couple had sought the help of a sex worker.

“It was in Hamburg and it’s legal there.”

Swedish prosecutors have imposed a suspended sentence and fines on the couple.

They are asking the Nacka court to fine the woman 14,000 kroner (£1,021) and the man 2,000 kroner (£145).