A 24-year-old woman who claims she has experienced ‘multiple encounters with aliens’ has opened up about what it is like to ‘communicate with aliens’.
Ashley Beckfrom Brooklyn, New York, has shared details about her alleged encounters – from how the aliens were ‘following’ her to the eerie feeling that she was ‘always being watched’.
Speak with We’re all crazy podcast host Devorah Roloff, Ashley described the “weird” incidents she had with the creatures while living in North Carolina.
The 24-year-old explained what aliens looked like and why she was convinced they were following her.
Ashley Beck, from Brooklyn, New York, claims she has experienced ‘multiple encounters with aliens’ and shared what it is like to ‘communicate with aliens’
Speaking to We’re All Insane podcast host Devorah Roloff (pictured), Ashley described the “weird” incidents she had with aliens while living in North Carolina.
She started by explaining that her stepfather was in the military, so she and her family moved to North Carolina in 2005 to live near a military base.
‘I was never used to so much land, yes and I always had the feeling that something was wrong, you know how sometimes a fire alarm would cast a shadow? I always felt like I was being watched all the time,” Ashley said.
She explained that the encounters with aliens began when she was about twelve years old.
The now 24-year-old said the first incident that made her raise an eyebrow was after a random fire outside her home.
“It didn’t really spread and we were the only ones with a fence and you would think it would spread to the fence but nothing spread, it was kind of like that one area,” Ashley said.
“I wasn’t allowed to go outside because I had to watch my brother, but I had a perfect view of our backyard from our two windows and it literally looked like a huge circle.”
She noted that they could never figure out why the fire started, but they dismissed it as a “weird” occurrence and didn’t pay much attention to it.
Two months later, however, other strange events began to pile up.
The 24-year-old talked about what aliens looked like and why she thinks they were following her
She added, “Maybe two months later I’ll have those weird feelings again like something’s not right.”
Ashley said the second incident took place in her bedroom, adding that her bed faced a window and she had a perfect view of a tree as she lay down.
The hairstylist said she often saw figures when she closed her eyes and was too afraid to fall asleep.
She explained that the encounters with aliens started when she was about ’12’ years old
She explained: ‘I closed my eyes and saw these two little black figures, almost like children running away tree that wasn’t cut through the bushes, over the fence, along the fence, through my backyard and into my house.
“I open my eyes before they get me and I had this sort of drone view and I was playing this game with myself, how many times could I close and open my eyes before they get me, but it came to a point where I just got too tired and couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore, so I finally fell asleep. But I wouldn’t sleep for at least three months.’
She later revealed that she would soon see “black figures” in her room, but did not tell her mother or anyone else about the incidents as she did not want them to think she was “making things up.”
And Ashley kept the secret to herself until one evening in July, when the ‘aliens’ revealed themselves to her family and her best friend.
The 24-year-old said she and her best friend, Lindsey, were swimming one evening when they saw a flicker of red, green and blue lights in the sky.
“We run in and say, ‘Oh my God, there are aliens,’ and my mom thinks I’m crazy, she thinks I’m overreacting,” she said.
However, Lindsey and Ashley were sure of what they had just seen, so Ashley’s mother grabbed her gun and went outside.
She later revealed that she would soon see “black figures” in her room, but did not tell her mother or anyone else about the incidents
She added, “And then suddenly, we see the red light shooting across the main road, probably about a story and a half above the ground, traveling at about 60 miles per hour.
“My mom said, ‘I saw that,’ so we say, ‘Yes, I told you that,’ and she says, ‘Ashley, go get my camera.’
But by the time Ashley ran inside and grabbed her mother’s camera, the lights were gone.
But then the girls soon saw a ‘ship’ appear in the sky.
She added: “I’m freezing. My mother has to drag me inside. We’re calling everyone we think, “Go in, get in right now.” So we run upstairs to my mother’s room and lock ourselves.
‘(We’re in) the bedroom and we keep peeking out the window and it’s still there and then all of a sudden the house shakes so hard, like an earthquake, it shakes so hard that the picture falls off the wall and then it’s gone , it’s gone.’
Ashley’s mother immediately picked up the phone and called her husband, but without seeing it with his own eyes, he didn’t believe her.
After the house stops shaking, Ashley’s brother comes running down the hall screaming because there is a ‘black figure’ in his room.
“They entered the house,” she said.
After that last incident, Ashley and her family moved away and she never had any further experiences with aliens
She noted that she thinks the house they were living in when the alien encounters occurred was “contaminated.”
Just as quickly as it seemed, the black figure was gone.
The next day, the family tried to put the bizarre incident out of their minds.
Just before dinner, Ashley and Lindsey decided to go for a run to clear their heads, but the presence of aliens quickly became apparent.
“It’s hazy, the sun’s setting and we’re going up and we come across this like an old structure that’s always been there, and suddenly it’s like a piercing noise in my ear,” Ashley recalled.
“I’m like, ‘what the heck, ouch’, it hurts so bad. I lose some of my hearing in my ear at that moment. It goes in my ear, in my jaw and in my neck.
(It’s) just this excruciating pain.”
The two girls rushed home and told their families what had just happened, but their families brushed it off.
After dinner the two girls went back outside to get some fresh air, but while they were there they saw the ‘ship’ again.
“So we run back inside and try to get her parents, and by the time we get outside it’s gone again,” she said.
“It was supposed to last maybe 30-45 seconds, but by the time they got to the ground and got outside, they were like, ‘Why don’t we ever see it? How come you only see this stuff?’
“But I think that was actually the last time it showed itself again.”
After that last incident, Ashley and her family moved away and she never had any further experiences with aliens.
She added that she believed the house they lived in where the encounters took place was “contaminated.”
The 24-year-old said she thought the aliens wanted her to “get off” their country.
“They were probably trying to rattle it to see if they could get it out of my yard,” she said.
Speaking about the creatures, Ashley added: ‘I feel like they’re making themselves known to people that they want to see them.’