‘Woke’ Google bosses ban staff from using terms like ‘man-hours’

‘Woke’ Google bosses ban staff from using terms like ‘man-hours’, ‘you’, ‘blacklist’ and ‘chubby’ in inclusive language file

  • Other forbidden words and expressions are ‘crazy’ and ‘crazy’

Google bosses have asked UK staff to stop using common phrases, including “man-hours” and “you,” it has been reported.

The American tech giant has sent a new ‘inclusive language file’ with, among other things, language changes.

Several phrases targeted by Google chiefs include “whitelist,” “blackhole,” “blacklist,” and “black box,” as well as “chubby” — and refraining from describing people or things as “crazy, delusional, or crazy’.

Tory MP Nigel Mills called the changes “awake nonsense” and told The Sun: “I don’t know where people find the time to come up with this sort of thing. Who cares? We shouldn’t abandon phrases and words that will be used for a generation just because some snowflakes can be influenced.”

Google has sent a file to staff asking them not to use the following words

Meanwhile, a Google employee told the paper that staff had ignored the guide and focused on getting on with their jobs.

They revealed: ‘We’re far too busy to worry about whether a completely harmless phrase that’s been used for years might upset anyone somewhere.’

Google has said its file contained only “editorial guidelines for writing clear and consistent Google-related developer documentation.”

MailOnline has contacted Google for more information about the new guidelines.

It’s not the first time the search engine has landed in Wokery either.

Last year, Google launched an “inclusive language” feature designed to avoid using politically incorrect words.

Users typing “host” will see a warning that it “may not be inclusive for all readers” suggesting they try “owner” or “owner” instead.

The word “human” was a suggested alternative to what the online giant apparently sees as the controversial term “humanity.”

Gender-specific terms like “police officer” or “housewife” were also replaced by “police officers” and “stay-at-home spouse,” according to the new Google Doc style tool.

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