‘With age comes wisdom’: Biden, 80, makes sign of a cross when supporter shouts he’ll ‘live to 90’ in speech ripping into Trump for ‘building nothing’ and ‘losing jobs’

President Joe Biden joked about his old age in a speech to union workers on the occasion of Labor Day Monday, while criticizing former President Donald Trump for losing jobs and building nothing.

Biden appeared before the Sheet Metal Workers’ Local Union 19 and spoke in a parking lot outside the group’s headquarters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, after spending Sunday at his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

While shouting at some of the other Democratic politicians in the crowd, one participant yelled at him that Biden, 80, would live to 90, prompting the president to put the sign of the cross on his chest.

“Let me tell you what, someone said, Biden is getting old. I tell you what. Guess? Guess? The only thing that comes with age is a little wisdom,” the president said. “I’ve been doing this longer than anyone. Guess what? With your help I will continue.’

Biden launched his re-election bid in April, but an AP-NORC poll Last week’s survey showed that 77 percent of Americans think the president is too old to be effective for another four years.

President Joe Biden joked about his old age in a speech to union workers on the occasion of Labor Day Monday, while criticizing former President Donald Trump for losing jobs and building nothing.

His main challenger remains Trump, 77, who is getting less grief from Americans about his age.

Trump has so far outscored all other Republican candidates for the 2024 Republican nomination, setting up 2024 as a potential rematch between Biden and Trump.

On Monday, Biden paid attention only to Trump — and slammed him for his economic record.

He praised his own job record, but told the audience, “You wouldn’t know from all the negative news you hear.”

“What we are going through is one of the greatest job creation periods in American history,” Biden said. “And you know, it wasn’t that long ago that we lost jobs in this country.”

“In fact, the man who held this job before me was only one of two presidents in history…” the president said, interrupted by jeers. “But there’s an important point: one of only two presidents in America who left office with fewer jobs than when he was elected.”

‘Do you know who the other one was? Herbert Hoover. Isn’t that a coincidence?’ asked Biden.

Hoover was the Republican in power at the beginning of the Great Depression.

President Joe Biden exchanges hats with a man after a Labor Day speech in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

President Joe Biden exchanges hats with a man after a Labor Day speech in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

President Joe Biden is scheduled to speak Monday at 19 Sheet Metal Workers' Local Union in Philadelphia on the occasion of Labor Day

President Joe Biden is scheduled to speak Monday at 19 Sheet Metal Workers’ Local Union in Philadelphia on the occasion of Labor Day

He was succeeded by Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who led the US out of the Great Depression and most of World War II and died in office.

Trump’s job records were soured by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020.

“When the last man was here, you shipped jobs to China. Now we are bringing jobs home from China. When the last man was here. When the last man was here, your pensions were on the line. With your help, we’ll help save millions in retirement,” Biden said.

“When the last man was here, he viewed the world from Park Avenue,” the president continued. “I’m watching her from Scranton, Pennsylvania. I’m watching her from Claymont, Delaware.”

He said that as a US senator he had been nicknamed “middle class Joe.”

“I think they thought that was somehow not very complimentary,” he continued. ‘Well guess what? That’s who I am.’

“It doesn’t mean you’re not sophisticated because you’re middle class, it means you’ve worked really hard and you know your family has had to work like crazy to make it,” he said.

Biden also mocked Trump for holding a number of infrastructure weeks during his term — often coinciding with a White House scandal — while touting his own success in passing the bipartisan infrastructure bill.

“The big real estate builder, the last man here, didn’t build a damn thing,” Biden said.