Wiping your backside: What you’re doing right and what you may be doing wrong

According to medical experts, your wiping technique can expose you to a host of health problems.

Whether you sit or stand, fold or crunch the toilet paper, or use four or fourteen squares, most people probably do it without giving it much thought.

But there is a medically sound way to do things.

It is especially important for women to wipe from front to back to prevent stool from entering the urethra, which is shorter than men’s. The average number of sheets used per wipe varies from person to person, although the average is around seven

Given the importance of proper job performance – for example, to prevent a urinary tract infection – it deserves a refresher course.

According to urinary and rectal health experts, it is very important to wipe from front to back.

The front-to-back pattern is especially important for women, because otherwise fecal bacteria could enter the urethra, the tube from the bladder to where urine exits the body, leading to a urinary tract infection.

The National Institutes of Health considers wiping properly to be one of the best practices for women to prevent a urinary tract infection: ‘Most urinary tract infections come from bacteria that normally live around the rectum and anus.

“Therefore, any swipe that starts closer to the rectum and then approaches the opening of the bladder will move potentially dangerous bacteria closer to the bladder and urinary tract.”

UTIs are of particular concern to women because their urethra is shorter than men’s, making it easier for bacteria to enter the bladder.

Nearly one in three women will have had at least one urinary tract infection that requires prescription antibiotics by the time they turn 24, and nearly half of all women will develop one urinary tract infection in their lifetime.

Men are also prone to urinary tract infections, but not often as a result of poor wiping, according to doctors at the Urology Center of Florida.

They said: ‘While rare, it is still possible for men to get a urinary tract infection if external bacteria enter the urinary tract. Men who use urinary catheters may be at increased risk. Although hygiene is important, it is rarely the culprit.’

While men may not need to worry as much as women about the risk of urinary tract infections due to poor wiping technique, it is critical to practice good hygiene that prevents germs and bacteria from spreading, potentially making people sick.

According to studies, a minimum of seven sheets per wipe is sufficient for the average person from toilet paper manufacturer Cottonelle.

But a review of social media posts on the subject yielded very different results, with some Reddit users saying they used 10 to 12 squares per swipe, while others had made the mistake of starting with just four or five squares and moving on. fewer. Another user, meanwhile, said they “wrapped” their hand with it.

Experts recommend strong, absorbent and soft toilet paper. Wiping too much or too hard, especially with thin or rough paper, can result in damage uncomfortable itch known down there as pruritus ani.

Doctors at Harvard Medical School have done just that said: “Although the anal area should be cleaned after every bowel movement, this cleaning should be done with care. Aggressive rubbing and scrubbing, especially with soap or other skin cleansers, can irritate the skin and cause anal itching.”

And a major schism — or rift — remains in the sit versus stand to wipe debate. According to Cottonelle, there are good arguments from both sides.

The toilet paper giant said: ‘For sitters, the main benefit is that the cheeks remain spread apart, preventing cheek-to-cheek smearing. That means easy access to cleaning.

“For the standers, they like that their hands don’t come near the toilet bowl (especially important for public toilets) and that they don’t accidentally touch the bare cheek or thigh with soiled toilet paper when they come by for a visual inspection.”

Consistent public opinion polls show that sitting is the most commonly used technique. A survey by the magazine Men’s Health shows that of the more than 3,000 people surveyed, 65 percent were sitting and 35 percent were standing.

And when the contents of the toilet bowl hit the fan, say during a bad episode of diarrhea, health experts recommend using unscented baby wipes to avoid irritation in the area while still keeping it clean.

A bidet, which connects to the plumbing system and sprays water through the rectum to thoroughly rinse the area, may also be a good option for some.