Will I avoid inheritance tax on my estate because I moved to Australia?

I wonder if you could shed some light on the inheritance tax issue?

As I objected to paying inheritance tax, I decided to apply for a retirement visa to live in Australia in 2004. I also needed the sun.

Shortly thereafter, the rules for such visas changed. The question of “residential status” for tax purposes became a factor.

Wealth Transfer: I Moved to Australia to Avoid Inheritance (and Sunshine) Tax 18 Years Ago

Wealth Transfer: I Moved to Australia to Avoid Inheritance (and Sunshine) Tax 18 Years Ago

I finally left the UK in 2005. As all my income (from pensions) is based in the UK, I only pay tax in the UK.

My understanding was that if I only owned property in Australia, showed that my ties to the UK were severed (only occasional trips back to visit relatives) and lived here long enough, my property would be outside the scope of any tax claims on succession from the UK government.

Australia, being a far more enlightened country, doesn’t have this death tax – pay while you’re alive and you’ll still be robbed when you die.

Although I am not rich, my estate is likely to exceed the current UK inheritance tax threshold.

I am divorced (this was in the UK) and have not remarried. My estate will be left primarily to my grandchildren and children (all living in the UK).

Am I correct in thinking that I will be exempt from inheritance tax after being ‘outside’ the UK for 18 years?


Inheritance Tax Thresholds

A tax of 40 per cent is usually levied on a deceased person’s assets worth over and above £325,000, which is called the nil rate, Heather Rogers explains in a previous column on inheritance tax.

Many people are allowed to leave a further £175,000 worth of assets without being liable for inheritance tax if their home is part of their estate and they leave it to direct descendants.

This means children, including adopted, foster or foster children, and lineal descendants of those children.

This additional amount is the so-called nil residence rate and is available to claim on deaths on or after 6 April 2017.

Both protected sums or ‘bands’, adding up to £500,000 per person, can be transferred to the surviving spouse or civil partner if unused on the first spouse’s death.

Heather Rogers replies: How your property will be taxed depends not only on your residency but also on your domicile.

This is important and so I will explain in more detail how this works and how it relates to your case below.

But in short, having moved permanently to Australia and been there for 18 years, you appear to have acquired domicile of choice there as well as residing outside the UK.

There are other relevant issues you should be aware of based on the personal information you provide that are worth flagging in advance.

– Any natural person with UK assets they may still have a UK inheritance tax liability even if they are domiciled and living elsewhere when they die.

Pensions are exempt from inheritance tax (see box below for how inheritance pensions are taxed).

Hopefully the above and what follows will give you some general guidance, but as you can see before I even get into the details, the answer to your question depends on your particular financial assets and circumstances.

You should therefore consult a professional tax accountant in Australia – ideally one with experience of working with overseas UK clients – for an individual answer to your question.

It may be worth consulting a solicitor in Australia who also works with expats from the UK, as the issue of residency often falls better within their remit.

Domicile and domicile: What are they and how do they differ for tax purposes?

Domicile is not the same as residence for tax purposes – they are two entirely separate matters.

Tax residence is based on a person’s presence in the UK during the tax year for a specified number of days.

Residence is for a person’s long-term home. Holding a British passport does not necessarily mean you live in the UK, but it is an indication of someone’s intention to spend the rest of their life in the UK.

By itself, however, it does not give residence. Residence is different from nationality.

The government has details of tax residency as opposed to domicile here.

Why is residency important?

Domicile is used to determine a person’s tax position, including where they pay income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax in both the UK and the country they live in.

It also has significant implications in relation to the inheritance of assets and could therefore determine how a person’s estate is passed on in the event of their death, particularly if they hold property or financial assets overseas, as some countries restrict how assets can be transferred pass after death.

Common law assigns a domicile of origin to each individual at birth. This is usually determined by their parents – their father’s or in the case of a single mother, their mother’s residence – and may be different from where the individual was born.

A person is domiciled in the UK, for example, if their parents were born in the UK.

Instead, a person may have a residence of choice. This can happen if you move permanently to another country to live.

An individual can change their domicile when they become of age, but it is possible to have only one country of domicile at any one time.

Meanwhile, considered domicile it only applies to your tax situation and is based on how many years you have been resident in the UK.

There is also residence of dependency which is what the law assigns to a person because of the lack of legal capacity and legal dependence on another person.

So how do you work if you live in the UK?

For some, determining their residency may be relatively easy, but for those with connections in more than one country, it may be more complicated.

HMRC will treat you as living in the UK if: a) you have lived in the UK for 15 of the last 20 years or b) you have had a permanent home in the UK at any time in the last three years of your life.

In your case, as mentioned above, the information you provided indicates that you were a resident of choice in Australia.

Anyone reading this who is in doubt about where they live should seek advice from HMRC, a professional tax accountant or solicitor.

How are you taxed if you live outside the UK?

If you are deemed to be domiciled outside the UK, inheritance tax is still payable on your assets in the UK, for example the property or bank accounts you have in the UK.

Not payable on certain excluded assets:

How are inheritance pensions taxed in the UK?

Beneficiaries currently either pay no tax on inherited pensions up to the deceased’s lifetime allowance limit if the owner dies before the age of 75, or their usual rate of income tax if they are aged 75 or over, says This is Money.

However, the government is currently considering tougher tax rules for pensions inherited from people who died under the age of 75 from April 2024.

It can impose income tax and on bank withdrawals inherited from younger savers, but the tax can still be avoided if beneficiaries take the money as a lump sum out of a pension.

– Bank accounts in foreign currency

– Pensions abroad

– Authorized unit trusts and certain investments.

The rules are different for government giants and trusts.

However, care is needed as assets that appear to be outside the UK but derive their value from UK property are considered UK assets for inheritance tax purposes.

A non-domiciled person still has the standard nil rate offset which is currently £325,000.

If someone is not domiciled in the UK, but their main residence is in the UK, they may also be able to claim residence nil rate up to £175,000. See the box above for more information on inheritance tax thresholds.

Therefore, as you can see each individual with UK assets subject to inheritance tax there may be inheritance liability in the UK. However, as noted, legacy pensions are taxed differently, if at all.

Another thing worth mentioning is that if you need to move back to the UK at any time within three years of your death, then you will be deemed to be UK domiciled.

The onus is on executors to prove that the deceased was not domiciled in the UK at the date of their death.

In other words, they must prove that:

– The deceased was physically present and tax resident in his new country

– They have lived there permanently and have never intended to return to live in the UK.

Finally, let me stress again to all readers that matters such as where you live for tax purposes can get complicated and if in doubt, this is an area where you should seek professional legal and tax advice.

Ask Heather Rogers a tax question

Tax expert Heather Rogers answers our readers' questions

Tax expert Heather Rogers answers our readers’ questions

Heather Rogers, founder and owner of Aston Accountancy, is our tax columnist. She is ready to answer your questions on any tax topic – tax codes, inheritance tax, income tax, capital gains tax and much more.

If you would like to ask Heather a tax question, email her at taxquestions@thisismoney.co.uk.

Heather will do her best to respond to your message in an upcoming monthly column, but will not be able to respond to all or correspond privately with readers. Nothing in her answers constitutes regulated financial advice. Posted questions are sometimes edited for brevity or other reasons.

Please include a daytime contact number with your message – this will be kept confidential and not used for marketing purposes.

If Heather can’t answer your question, you can find out about getting tax help here including sources of free professional advice if you are elderly and/or on a low income.

You can also get in touch MoneyHelper, a government-backed organization that provides free financial assistance to the public. His number is 0800 011 3797.

Heather gives advice on finding a good accountant here, including when to seek help, hiring the right type of firm and typical costs.

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