Wild tale of Boston woman, 25, who was kidnapped by stranger threatening to shoot up Walmart on her first day in Wyoming – and ends up staying after falling in love with ranch hand

A Massachusetts woman has revealed how she was kidnapped on her first day in Wyoming but eventually found a home in the cowboy state after finding love.

Janelle Gibson, now 25, moved from the Boston area in May 2023 to work at HF ​​Bar Ranch, a guest ranch just outside Buffalo, Wyoming.

Her younger brother accompanied her on the 32-hour road trip and she then dropped him off at Gilette airport. Cowboy stands daily reported.

After taking a nap in her car, she went to a nearby Walmart around 6 a.m., where she started going through her grocery list on her phone.

But as soon as she put her cell phone back in her pocket, a strange man came up to her and said, “I have something to tell you.”

The man, later identified as Alex Sigvaldsen, then 26, gave her two choices: she either had to come home with him or his friends would storm in and shoot up the store.

Janelle Gibson (pictured), 25, of Massachusetts was kidnapped on her first day in Wyoming while heading to her first day as a rancher at HF ​​Bar Ranch

Despite a poor first impression of Wyoming, she fell in love with a farmer on the ranch and built a life for herself out west.

Sigvaldsen pleaded guilty on March 21 to kidnapping and police interference charges

Gibson recalled how she begged the man to “please not me.”

In response, Sigvaldsen told her, “You’re going to live; I will let you go at the end of the day,” according to court documents.

Gibson described the kidnapper as “dirty and not attractive at all,” and said he gave off a rancid stench.

In an attempt to stop him, she told Sigvaldsen she had to pay for her things.

When they got to the checkout, he instructed her to behave as if they were a normal couple and kept a hand behind her back while she paid.

In an interview with Cowboy stands daily, Gibson said she said “help me” to another woman in the store, who alerted Walmart employees. But they didn’t call 911 and just monitored the situation.

Gibson said she offered the kidnapper money in exchange for her freedom, to which he replied, “what?” and kissed her on the lips, according to the affidavit.

He then took her to her car and ordered her to drive them to his house.

But Gibson thought quickly and used her key fob to unlock only the driver’s side of the car, allowing her to jump in and run to the police station.

Walmart surveillance footage later obtained by police showed Sigvaldsen attempting to enter the passenger door.

Although shaken, Janelle continued to HF Bar Ranch to start her new job and investigators said they would keep her updated on the case.

Although shaken, Janelle continued to HF Bar Ranch to start her new job

It was only months later that the incident finally sank in, triggering waves of fear and panic

But her new ranch family and horses – especially her favorite mustang named Duke – helped her heal

Sigvaldsen faces a prison sentence of ten years. Gibson said: “It was such a huge relief to finally be done with it and not have to worry about it

Upon arriving at the ranch, Gibson was greeted by a male rancher who directed her to the office.

“Honestly, I wasn’t excited to see a guy,” she told Cowboy State Daily.

Little did she know that she would later fall in love with that same ranch hand.

She told the company what happened to her in Gilette, explaining that the police might come looking for her.

She said her employer was very understanding of the situation and, over time, Gibson built a life for himself on the ranch.

“I always dreamed of coming West and seeing what that life was like,” she said. “I fell in love with it as soon as I got here.”

It was only months later that the incident finally sank in, triggering waves of fear and panic.

Even now, she says she doesn’t go anywhere alone if she can help it, and always shares her location with friends.

But her new ranch family and horses – especially her favorite mustang named Duke – helped her heal.

“I was able to get rid of my feelings a little bit,” she said.

Sigvaldsen pleaded guilty March 21 to kidnapping and a charge of police interference stemming from a later altercation he had with police while intoxicated. He faces a prison sentence of ten years.

Upon hearing this, Gibson said she finally felt at peace.

“It was such a huge relief to finally be done with it and not have to worry about it anymore,” she told Cowboy State Daily. “It’s such a process.”

Looking back on the incident, she wonders if she would still have been targeted by Sigvalden if she hadn’t put her phone away, which is when he noticed her.

She added that she wished someone had called 911 when she first begged for help.

“My advice to other people is if you see someone asking for help, call the police immediately,” she said.

Gibson documents her life as a rancher on her Instagram account @jgmustangs

In a Facebook comment after Gibson made her story public, her mother Susan said: “This was such a horrific experience for you (and dad and I and the boys)

“I remember you texted the family group chat and said, ‘Hey guys, little problem, I just got kidnapped.’ Jake wanted the plane to turn. Dad and I felt helpless because we couldn’t be with you.’

She continued, “We are so proud of you for handling the situation so well and using the smarts you’ve had all your life. We miss you very much too, but are so happy that you are loving your new life and living your dream.”

Although ranchers usually have seasonal positions, Gibson has managed to secure a full-time job on the host ranch.

Gibson documents her life as a farmer on her Instagram account, @jgmustangs.

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