Wild moment driver is dragged down the street while trying to stop runaway trailer roll down a hill in Redwood Park

Wild footage has emerged of a driver trying to stop a runaway trailer after it went down a hill.

The footage, taken outside a home in Redwood Park, in Adelaide’s northeast, shows 26-year-old Scott Bradshaw trying to return an excavator to a friend on Sunday.

Mr Bradshaw had accidentally forgotten to place chocks under the wheels of the excavator trailer when detaching it from his car.

Now free from the laws of gravity, the trailer rolled backwards into the street, despite Mr Bradshaw using all his might to bring it to a stop.

However, he was unable to do so as he had to let go of the trailer as it plowed through a neighbor’s fence before coming to a stop.

A North Adelaide man chased a trailer-mounted excavator after he forgot to place blocks under the wheels, leading to a foot race, a test of strength between man and machine

Mr Bradshaw said he forgot to place the blocks on the trailer after being distracted by his crying baby.

You hear him growl as he tries to regain control of the runaway trailer.

“(I) was hanging on for deer life,” Mr Bradshaw told 7News.

Despite skiing on concrete for a while, falling to the ground and having one of the trailer wheels roll over him, Mr Bradshaw escaped any serious injuries.

His partner, Shane Stanford, who saw the accident happen remotely in real time via the CCTV footage, was relieved that his partner was able to walk away unscathed.

‘I didn’t want the tire to run him over, but in the end it managed to get over him and he could have been seriously injured. I’m glad he’s not,” Mr. Stanford said.

Mr Bradford said he was glad there were no injuries, but his biggest concern was how much trouble he would get into with his ‘wife’.