Why you’ve been eating peas the wrong way all your life: here you can read how you can do it with the class

An etiquette coach has revealed the right way to eat peas – and the reason why most people do it wrong all their lives.

William Hanson is an etiquette expert who has saved millions of people from awkward situations, whether it’s the right way to eat spaghetti or how exactly to tip hospitality workers abroad.

The professional also shared his thoughts on canceling plans at the last minute, and one business email mistake everyone makes.

Mr Hanson says peas are one of the most difficult vegetables to consume because they slide off the cutlery so easily.

He revealed that people should skewer peas on their forks instead of trying to scoop them up.

He demonstrated the action in a video tutorial.

“You’re probably eating your peas wrong,” he said.

“We never scoop them onto the bottom of the fork and bring them to the mouth because they fly everywhere.”

“Instead, use the back of your knife to push some peas onto the tines of your fork.

“You have a nice little collection that you can easily eat!”

Mr Hanson revealed that people should skewer peas on their forks rather than trying to scoop them up

William Hanson, an etiquette coach, has revealed the right way to eat peas – and the reason why most people have been doing it wrong all their lives

Many thanked Mr Hanson for his advice and shared some tips of their own.

“No kidding, this is seriously some of the most useful information I’ve ever gotten from Instagram,” one person said.

“Or grab your mashed potatoes and use it to dip your peas without losing a single one,” another advised.

But others claimed they would never find themselves in such a situation.

“Why would I just order a bowl of peas?” a man asked.

“I’m just going to use a spoon; that also prevents my knife and fork from scratching a plate,” one woman added.