Why would the Bank of England cut interest rates this year? This is the Money podcast

The Bank of England once again kept its base rate at 5.25 percent for the fourth time in a row, but this time there was real division among MPC members.

When will we start to see interest rates fall – and will inflation actually reach the 2 percent target by April?

It took forever – well, 14 years – to get back from the super-low interest rates of the financial crisis to the normal levels of around 5 percent today. So why would the Bank of England cut rates aggressively this year, as the market expects?

This week, Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce and Georgie Frost join investors to discuss what a new interest rate pause means for you – and what it means for savings and mortgage rates.

Where do you stand in the debate about the smart meter? With This is Money, readers are getting in touch to say they’re stuck with faulty devices. Are these worth having?

Lee says he still has no plans to purchase any of the Marmite devices, while Simon thinks they could be worth it, especially for those who are bad at reporting meter readings.

We also go back to school and get a math lesson from Mr. Lambert to reveal the six real-world calculations you should have in your arsenal to improve your financial health.

And we sit down on the money therapist’s couch to discuss the pitfalls of getting – and overusing – a joint bank account… Should a partner ever feel guilty about their spending?

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