Why workouts AREN’T working: Fitness experts reveal things that will stop gym from yielding results


Being consistent with your exercise routine can be challenging, but when you finally get there and don’t see any significant change, that can be even more frustrating.

It turns out that there are many things that you do in your daily life that can hinder your results in the gym, from not getting enough sleep to not consuming the right amount of protein.

Fortunately, a number of experts in Fitness voltage – a comprehensive online resource dedicated to strength sports – has revealed six reasons why your exercises may not be successful, as well as tips on how to fix the problem.

“For some people, fitness can be overwhelming, from understanding the correct form of the exercises to learning which ones fit your goals in the first place,” a Fitness Volt spokesperson said.

Fitness Volt experts have revealed six reasons why your exercises may not be successful, as well as tips on how you can fix the problem and get the best results (stock image)

“So it can be quite stressful to feel like you’ve achieved your exercise routine but you don’t see any results after quite some time.

“Fortunately, the common reasons that hinder training results aren’t too complicated, and could be something as simple as having a day without working out, but it’s important for gym-goers to be aware to keep them on track.”

From not eating enough before you work out to not spending the right amount of time resting between exercises—here are the six reasons your workouts may not be working and the simple changes you can make to get the best results.

you haven’t slept enough

Fitness Volt experts said you should never underestimate the importance of sleep.

If you don’t get enough sleep at night, they explained, you’ll lack energy for your workouts and therefore won’t reach your full potential.

In addition to this, the muscles release amino acids during exercise which are then converted to protein in the bloodstream during sleep. Resting is mattering by allowing the process to take place.

The gym pros at Fitness Volt said you should aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night if you want to see the best results, even if it means going to bed earlier than usual.

Fitness Volt experts said not getting enough sleep will lead to a lack of energy for your workouts and slow down the process of converting amino acids into protein (file image)

Fitness Volt experts said not getting enough sleep will lead to a lack of energy for your workouts and slow down the process of converting amino acids into protein (file image)

Not warming up before workouts.

According to the experts at Fitness Volt, another thing that gym-goers often overlook is the warm-up process, even though being a crucial element of a workout.

Without warming up, you will not have your maximum capacities and you will not be fully prepared for the exercises since your muscles will not be activated.

While there’s no set warmup—it’ll vary based on your specific workout—the Fitness Volt pros said you need to get the blood flowing to your body with a few simple steps, even if it’s just a brisk jog.

They also suggested doing a mobility routine to help with your joints, which will likely be the most used in your workout if you’re training your upper body, such as arm and shoulder circles.

If you’re specifically focusing on weight lifting, on the other hand, you can warm up by practicing the exercise without weights, and doing so will help your form as well.

Not eating enough before exercising

While skipping a meal before working out might seem practical—especially if you’re hitting the gym early in the morning—fitness gym guru Volt said it’s vital that you eat beforehand to fuel your body.

Carbohydrates in particular will provide your body with the fuel it needs, so stick with foods like whole grains or whole grain toast with some fruit.

However, they added that you should stick to small portions so you don’t feel sluggish during your workout.

Fitness Volt's gym guru said it's vital that you eat before you work out to fuel your body.  They suggested focusing on carbs (file image)

Fitness Volt’s gym guru said it’s vital that you eat before you work out to fuel your body. They suggested focusing on carbs (file image)

Not consuming the right amount of protein

The experts at Fitness Volt noted that protein is an essential nutrient in your diet whether you want to build muscle or lose weight, so not getting enough of it can definitely prevent your gym routine from producing results.

Protein supports a healthy metabolism and reduces appetite, and also helps build muscle by repairing and maintaining muscle tissue.

Consuming about one gram of protein per pound of your body weight is recommended for optimal results, so consider adding protein-rich foods like chicken, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and nuts to your diet.

If you’re having a hard time hitting the suggested intake, you can also consider protein shakes, which you can even take on the go if you have a hectic schedule.

not trying hard enough

It can be easy to get comfortable with the same exercise routine, but the professionals at Fitness Volt warned that this habit can cause you to lose your resolve if you get bored.

They noted that as your body gets used to an exercise, you’ll build strength and stamina and eventually have the ability to move to the next level, so it’s important to remember to slowly increase the intensity of your workout.

For example, over time, you’ll find that you’ll soon be able to run longer on the treadmill or lift heavier weights if you stay consistent with your training.

Pushing yourself to the next level prevents a plateau and keeps your muscles challenged to continue to get stronger.

Don’t let your body rest

You might assume that the more days you spend in the gym, the better your results, but Fitness Volt experts said that not allowing time to rest can slow down the process.

Excessive exercise leads your body to exhaustion, which affects your exercise performance and prevents you from building strength.

Not to mention, letting your body recover prevents injury, which in the long run will only lead to lack of exercise.

Three rest days a week is generally the recommended amount, although if you’re engaging in particularly intense exercise or are new to exercise, you may need to take more depending on how your body responds.