Why red grapes can help men a lot in the bedroom – and how one simple change can boost your skills by 80 percent
Red grape juice could be a drug-free alternative to Viagra when it comes to boosting men’s libido.
Scientists found that the refreshing drink – which retails for around £2.25 per liter in UK supermarkets – can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction by up to 80 per cent.
Now researchers behind the findings are urging all men over 40 to drink a glass of red grape juice at least five times a week to boost their sexual desires.
The study – which was not funded by commercial drinks companies – also found that most other popular drinks had little or no major benefit.
Regular consumption of apple, orange, pineapple or tomato juice did not appear to protect men from declining libido. This also applies to carbonated drinks, according to findings published in the journal The Aging Male.
Erectile dysfunction is thought to affect half of all men over 40 in Britain to some degree.
The NHS writes more than four million prescriptions every year for libido-enhancing drugs such as Viagra, at a cost of more than £13 million.
Millions of tablets are purchased online or without a prescription.
Red grape juice – sold in UK supermarkets for around £2.25 per liter – can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction by up to 80 per cent, new research shows

Erectile dysfunction is thought to affect at least half of all men over 40 in Britain to some extent

Now researchers behind the findings are urging all men over 40 to drink a glass of red grape juice at least five times a week to boost their sexual desires.
The causes include narrowing of the blood vessels that supply the penis, which can be linked to heart disease and high cholesterol.
Men with diabetes are at greater risk because their bodies cannot effectively control blood sugar levels. Elevated blood sugar levels can damage the blood vessels and nerves that help produce an erection.
Numerous studies have shown that a healthy diet and regular exercise can reduce the dangers.
But until now it was not clear exactly which drinks can help.
Scientists at Tianjin Medical University General Hospital in Tianjin, China, studied the drinking habits of 1,500 middle-aged men and compared the data with the number of reported problems with arousal.
The results showed that of the nine different drinks, only grape juice seemed to have a highly significant effect.
And the effects were strongest with red, rather than white.
Researchers said this is likely because red varieties contain higher levels of plant chemicals called phenols, which can keep arteries healthy and prevent any narrowing that could restrict blood flow to the genitals.

The results showed that of the nine different drinks, only grape juice seemed to have a highly significant effect on male libido
In a report on their findings, they said: ‘Grape juice contains many phenolic compounds with health benefits, and red grape juice contains more of them than white.
‘Based on these results, we suggest that men – especially those over 40 years of age – may benefit from consuming grape juice more than five times a week to reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction.’