Why kimchi and kombucha can be the miracle cure for a hangover

Those struggling with a weekend hangover may dream of a greasy dish to shake off their sore head, nausea and fatigue.

But those suffering from the aftereffects of alcohol should consider a meal of gut-friendly fermented foods instead, experts say.

Options like kimchi, kombucha and kefir promote gut and liver health, which is essential for the body to better flush alcohol from the system and therefore shorten the duration of a hangover, says the London-based company registered dietitian Lucy Kerrison.

Fermented foods, which are made by adding microorganisms such as bacteria or yeast to products such as vegetables, tea or milk, can also combat dehydration, which Ms Kerrison believes is the cause of many hangover symptoms.

However, other nutritionists warn that eating the food during a hangover will have ‘little or no effect’ on the way the body handles alcohol.

The image shows someone using chopsticks to remove kimchi from a jar. Kombucha, kimchi and sauerkraut naturally contain probiotic bacteria that can help with your hangover

Ms Kerrison told MailOnline: ‘We know the liver is responsible for alcohol metabolism, so looking after your gut health and liver can have a positive impact on alcohol metabolism.’

She said: ‘The faster alcohol is metabolized and removed from your system, the shorter your hangover.

‘Maintaining good gut health can strengthen the function of your gut barrier so that it is less affected by alcohol, a known gut irritant that can affect intestinal motility, permeability and nutrient absorption.’

She added: ‘When you’re suffering from a hangover, you often crave foods high in salt and carbohydrates.

‘Alcohol is dehydrating and salt causes water retention, so adding a little salt to your diet isn’t a bad thing during a hangover.

‘Fermented foods with higher salt content, such as kimchi and sauerkraut, may be helpful.

‘They also contain live bacteria that can positively impact our gut microbiome, something that can be damaged by excessive alcohol consumption.’

Although civilizations have fermented food for thousands of years for its preservative properties, it has recently gained popularity for its reported health-promoting effects.

Pictured is a selection of fermented foods containing probiotics. This includes kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, pickles, miso soup, tempeh, natto, kimchi, yogurt, mozzarella and Gouda cheeses, cottage cheese. Taking a probiotic supplement or eating fermented foods, such as kimchi or sauerkraut, helps repopulate your gut bacteria and can help correct the imbalance caused by drinking too much.

These include kimchi, a Korean dish made from salted and fermented vegetables, such as cabbage and radish; kombucha, a carbonated, fermented drink made from sweetened tea; and sauerkraut, which is essentially fermented cabbage.

These fermented foods contain probiotics – foods with live microbes that travel to the gut and promote health – which may be another reason they can curb the effect of alcohol.

Studies in animals, consuming probiotics before drinking has been shown to reduce the body’s absorption of alcohol.

Another compound found in some fermented foods may also explain why dietitians believe they can soothe a hangover.

Alcohol can damage the gut because it disrupts short-chain fatty acids, which maintain gut health by reducing inflammation and regulating immune function.

The body converts alcohol to acetaldehyde and then to acetate, which then disrupts the ratio of short-chain fatty acids and contributes to hangover symptoms, experts say.

But butyrate – a short-chain fatty acid found in some kombuchas – can help rebalance the ratio.

Dr. Duane Mellor, a registered dietitian and senior lecturer at Aston University in Birmingham, This butyrate can deliver more good bacteria to the colon.

But consuming fermented products before drinking won’t help prevent a hangover, he warns.

Dr. Mellor said: ‘Most of the alcohol is absorbed in the upper intestines, so unless you drink excessively, very little ends up in the colon, where most bacteria are found.’

And eating it when you’re hungover will have “little or no effect on the way your body handles alcohol.”

“The best way to avoid a hangover is not to drink too much,” he added.

However, he noted the benefits for overall health.

Tai Ibitoye, a registered dietitian from London, noted that fermented foods, while good for you, are certainly not a “magic solution” when it comes to drinking too much alcohol.

She said: ‘Probiotic foods and fermented foods can help diversify the gut microbiome and help with imbalances.

‘Some studies have shown that it may help reduce liver enzymes in alcohol-induced liver damage.

‘However, the evidence is based on small studies and focuses on chronic alcohol use, and therefore further research is needed.’


A screening tool commonly used by medical professionals is the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Tests). The ten-question test was developed in collaboration with the World Health Organization and is considered the gold standard in determining whether someone has alcohol abuse problems.

The test is reproduced here with permission from WHO.

To complete it, answer each question and record the corresponding score.


0-7: You are within the reasonable drinking range and at low risk for alcohol-related problems.

More than 8: Indicate harmful or dangerous drinking.

8-15: Medium risk level. If you drink at your current level, you risk developing problems with your health and life in general, such as at work and in your relationships. Consider cutting back (see below for tips).

16-19: Higher risk of complications from alcohol. At this level it can be difficult to cut back on yourself because you may be dependent and therefore need professional help from your GP and/or a care provider.

20 and older: Possible dependency. Your drinking is already causing problems, and you could very well be dependent. You should definitely consider quitting gradually or at least reducing your alcohol consumption. You should seek professional help to determine your level of dependence and the safest way to quit alcohol.

Severe dependence may require medically supervised withdrawal or detox in a hospital or specialized clinic. This is due to the likelihood of severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms occurring during the first 48 hours, requiring specialist treatment.

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