Why is There Such an Enduring Obsession with Cleopatra in Popular Culture?

Archaeologists have managed to gain an impressive understanding of Cleopatra through a range of sources in the study of ancient Egypt. However, the tomb of the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt has never been discovered. Recently, Kathleen Martinez, a researcher with the University of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, discovered an impressive tunnel that could provide a lead to the queen’s whereabouts. The archeologist said that if they found Cleopatra, it would be the greatest discovery of the 21st century. She could be right as well, as there’s no doubt that the iconic ruler is still a mainstream figure in popular culture.

Cleopatra’s Image is Everywhere

Because there has never been a discovery, there’s still a lot of dispute about what Cleopatra looked like. That has given creators in the entertainment industry a lot of artistic license to design her how they like. No matter what image they go for, though, she always attracts audiences. This is clear in the online casino industry, where the Egyptian queen is a major draw for players. There are countless games that use her imagined likeness, including Book of Cleopatra, Legend of Cleopatra Megaways, and Legend of Cleopatra. The name stands out to players in these games, but the thumbnails of the ruler all look different. This shows that there is no one correct way to depict her.

Caption: A trailer for Queen Cleopatra on Netflix.

The same thing can be said for representations of Cleopatra in film and television. Over the years, the legendary figure has been played by a wide range of actors. The most recent person to take on the role was Adele James in the Netflix docudrama, Queen Cleopatra. The series was made by Jada Pinkett Smith, who also narrated the historical offering. There have been numerous other takes on the role, though, with many more to come. Indeed, there is talk of Gal Gadot potentially being the next star to play her on the big screen.

The most famous actor to have played Cleopatra is easily Elizabeth Taylor, who took on the role in Joseph L. Mankiewicz’s 1963 epic. The British-American actress wasn’t always going to play the part, however. In the casting phase for the picture, numerous other names were mentioned. These included Joan Collins and Joanne Woodward. Producer Walter Wagner didn’t agree with these suggestions, though, and wanted a more attractive star for the role.

Taylor was one of the hottest properties in Hollywood at the time, and commanded a fee of $1 million, which was astronomical for the time. Because the picture was so famous and Taylor’s role was so memorable, it set the tone for how Cleopatra was depicted in the years that followed. However, it’s clear from the abundance of works about the figure that there’s no right or wrong way to show her likeness until concrete evidence of her lineage is discovered.

Caption: A trailer for 1963’s Cleopatra.

What Does Cleopatra Symbolize?

There has been so much research into Cleopatra’s history over the years, and her legacy is fascinating for various reasons. Archeologists have often claimed to have come close to finding her final resting place, but this hasn’t yet come to fruition. Until that happens, the mystery around her character will remain. This allows Cleopatra to act as a symbolic entity, and there are various things that the ancient queen represents.

Cleopatra is often referred to as one of the great female leaders, and modern women often try to replicate her traits to enjoy success. She was known for being charismatic and intelligent, as well as being a smooth operator who could navigate the complex political landscape of her era. In addition to that, she was reported to be incredibly beautiful, and she used this allure to captivate and control powerful men like Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.

Cleopatra’s story symbolizes various other themes that have been used in fiction and entertainment over the years. For instance, there’s the romantic tragedy element of her love affair with Mark Antony which ultimately led to their deaths. The idea of forbidden love among political turmoil is a trope that has often found great success on the silver screen and in books.  

Cleopatra’s Legacy Lives on to This Day

Archeologists and historians have been studying Cleopatra for centuries, which is why there is so much knowledge about the ancient ruler. There have been discoveries of historical accounts soon after her death, with Roman historians like Plutarch famously writing biographies about her. In the years since then, as more archeological discoveries were made, scholars were able to discuss Cleopatra’s legacy in a more critical manner. With every new discovery, experts can glean more information about her personality and her achievements as a queen.

One of the reasons why there’s such a great fascination with Cleopatra is because she lived at a hugely important time in history. Her reign marked the end of the famous Ptolemaic dynasty and ended with the Roman Empire annexing Egypt. Indeed, her interactions with famous Roman leaders may have had a huge impact on the course of history.

Because Cleopatra’s reign is still the subject of extensive academic research, it has enabled her legacy to live on to this day. Some archeologists and Egyptologists have made it their life’s mission to uncover information about the queen, with the holy grail being a potential discovery of her long-lost tomb. With every new discovery, the entertainment industry gets more fuel to add to the already massive amount of content about Cleopatra. Through films and games, every generation can learn about her and develop an interest. This helps her legacy to continue and grow as the years go by.

Cleopatra remains front and center in the mainstream for various reasons. She has become an iconic figure that symbolizes feminine power and grace. Her legacy has also been helped by the continued investigation into her life and the abundance of content related to her in the entertainment industry.