Why is there another flare-up in tension in northern Kosovo?

Serbian troops on high alert after clash between ethnic Serbs and Kosovo police.

Tension has reignited in northern Kosovo – this time after police used force to force four ethnic Albanian mayors into office after winning local elections.

That vote was boycotted by most of the ethnic Serbs, who make up the majority of the region’s population.

There is also a geopolitical background: Kosovo was once part of the former Yugoslavia.

Now Russia is supporting Serbia and NATO is supporting Kosovo’s independence, along with a large contingent of international troops.

What’s behind this flare-up? And can it spread?

Presenter: Folly Bah Thibault


Dan Ilazi – Head of research at the Kosovo Center for Security Studies

Helena Ivanov – Associate research fellow at the Henry Jackson Society

Giorgio Fruscione – Research fellow, the Balkans desk of the Italian Institute of International Political Studies

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