Why does Donald Trump say Fidel Castro could be Justin Trudeau’s father? A look inside the WILD life of the Canadian PM’s mother from her late night parties to risqué rumors – and links to the Cuban revolutionary

Rumors about Justin Trudeau’s relationship with former Cuban President Fidel Castro have resurfaced — this time in Donald Trump’s latest book.

Fact-checkers have long denied the claim that the Canadian prime minister is the son of the late revolutionary leader, and both governments have been pressured to say the link is bogus.

But that hasn’t stopped the former US president and Republican candidate from repeating the myth in his latest work, ‘Save America’.

Trump spends some time on the subject, telling anecdotes and highlighting his relationship with the Canadian prime minister, as well as delving into spicy rumors about Margaret Trudeau’s relationships in the 1970s.

In 2016, the internet was abuzz with rumors about her relationship with Castro around the time of her divorce. By 2018, however, the rumors had been largely debunked, making Trump’s renewed response to her alleged “relationship” in 2024 unusual.

With the Republican candidate’s interest in Justin Trudeau back in the spotlight, DailyMail.com investigates the claims and wild accusations in Trump’s book.

Then-President Donald J. Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in London, 2019

Margaret Trudeau smiles as Cuban President Fidel Castro holds her youngest son Michel after the Trudeaus arrive in Havana, Cuba in 1976

Margaret Trudeau smiles as Cuban President Fidel Castro holds her youngest son Michel after the Trudeaus arrive in Havana, Cuba in 1976

After becoming estranged from her husband Pierre Trudeau in the late 1970s, Margaret (along with Pierre and their children in 1975) embraced an unconventional lifestyle for a former First Lady

After becoming estranged from her husband Pierre Trudeau in the late 1970s, Margaret (along with Pierre and their children in 1975) embraced an unconventional lifestyle for a former First Lady

Justin Trudeau is the son of the late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and activist Margaret Sinclair. He was born in 1971 and his parents divorced 13 years later, during his father’s final months in office.

Margaret Trudeau would later admit in her 1982 book Consequences to having had affairs with actors Jack Nicholson and Ryan O’Neal, and with singer Lou Rawls, when the relationship ended.

Margaret was spotted getting cozy with a host of famous heartthrobs, including actor Ryan O'Neal (seen) and tennis player Bjorn Borg

Margaret was spotted getting cozy with a host of famous heartthrobs, including actor Ryan O’Neal (seen) and tennis player Bjorn Borg

She said that through her public appearances she had ties to members of the Rolling Stones, senior U.S. government officials and even Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro.

This latter relationship became the subject of a conspiracy theory after Castro’s death in 2016, with internet users pointing to physical similarities between the two world leaders.

Trudeau also drew criticism when he praised the controversial leader as a “larger-than-life legendary revolutionary” in comments after his death.

Theories erupted when Castro’s eldest son, Fidelito, committed suicide in 2018 and several media outlets reported that he left a note calling Trudeau his half-brother.

An entertaining analysis of SHAME noted: ‘The conspiracy theory was then of course amplified by 4Chan trolls, far-right blogs, and the worst people on Twitter, all of whom took this as fact and worked to spread the theory.

“The theorists have gone very deep, for example they have tried to approximate Margaret Trudeau’s menstrual cycle, and it is all very, very stupid.”

Photos have emerged of Fidel Castro holding Justin Trudeau in 1976, when the Canadian prime minister and his wife arrived in Havana for a historic visit. They became the first NATO leaders to set foot in Castro’s Cuba.

The leaders reportedly became ‘famous’ and developed a close bond in the years that followed.

However, there is no evidence that Margaret or her husband met Castro before Justin was born.

“Experts said it was impossible for an earlier visit to Cuba to go unnoticed,” AP reported in 2018.

The Cuban media has been unusually candid about the death of Castro’s eldest son, Fidelito, describing it as a suicide after a long depression.

“Neither state media nor independent reporters covering the death reported the existence of a suicide note.”

However, this did not stop Donald Trump from addressing the rumors in his new book.

The former president wrote: ‘His mother was beautiful and wild. In the 1970s she went ‘clubbing’ with the Rolling Stones, but she was also somehow associated with Fidel Castro.

She said he was “the sexiest man I’ve ever met,” and many people say Justin is his son.

He swears it’s not him, but how could he possibly know!

‘Castro had nice hair, his ‘father’ did not, Justin has nice hair and like Castro he became a communist.’

Pierre Trudeau and his wife Margaret walk hand in hand through Heritage Park in Calgary

Pierre Trudeau and his wife Margaret walk hand in hand through Heritage Park in Calgary

Justin Trudeau is pictured with his mother, Margaret Trudeau

Justin Trudeau is pictured with his mother, Margaret Trudeau

Margaret pursued a career in photography and began spending time in New York when the relationship began to deteriorate (pictured in Paris, France circa 1977)

Margaret pursued a career in photography and began spending time in New York when the relationship began to deteriorate (pictured in Paris, France circa 1977)

Such rumors prompted the Canadian and Cuban governments to issue denials after Castro’s death. Fact-checkers supported their claims.

The Associated Press also debunked the theory, noting that Trudeau was born about four years before Margaret made her first trip to Cuba.

In May 1977, Margaret was spotted partying into the early hours of the morning with the Rolling Stones

In May 1977, Margaret was spotted partying into the early hours of the morning with the Rolling Stones

Margaret’s relationships with other political leaders, entertainers and celebrities have also generated curiosity over the decades, particularly through her own confessions about affairs she had during her relationship with Pierre.

In May 1977, rumors arose that their marriage was on the rocks after Margaret was spotted partying with the Rolling Stones until the early hours.

While Margaret reflected on the incident in Harper’s Bazaar in 2016, she explained that she and Pierre had already secretly separated when the wild evening took place.

“We were in my hotel suite until about 5 in the morning, playing dice, smoking weed, talking. It was a good night and it was my new world,” she said.

“But no one knew that I had divorced my husband, and that led to a big scandal.”

Shortly after, the couple announced they were getting a divorce, with Pierre stating that Margaret wanted to “leave the marriage and pursue an independent career.”

Yet in 2016, she realized that she felt she had unfairly taken much of the blame for the failure of the relationship.

‘I didn’t run away. It was mutual. Any woman would [done the same]’, she explained.

“Any mother who wanted to protect her children from the isolation Pierre lived in, and his contempt for anyone who got in his way, we are friends.”

However, rumors of an intimate relationship with the Rolling Stones have been denied.

“It’s really embarrassing. It’s just not true, you know?” Stones frontman Mick Jagger said at the time.

“She just came for a two-night concert. She just wanted to have a good time. I don’t know.”

He later told the Evening Standard that she was ‘a very sick girl looking for something. She found it – but not with me. I wouldn’t go near her with a barge pole.’

Stephanie Grisham, Trump’s White House spokesperson, also noted in her own memoir that Margaret denied having an affair with the Rolling Stones.

But Trump did respond to the potentially damaging rumors, Grisham writes in her book.

She claimed that Trump once repeated the rumor about Margaret’s relationship with the British rock band.

“Once, on Air Force One, I was sitting with him in his cabin, and for some reason — maybe he had just read something or seen his face on TV — it suddenly occurred to the president that he had in mind Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,” Grisham wrote.

Trump then asked, “Is it okay if I say this?” Grisham said, before blurting out, “Trudeau’s mother. She fucked all the Rolling Stones.”

Margaret Trudeau is pictured with members of the Rolling Stones

Margaret Trudeau is pictured with members of the Rolling Stones

Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau meets Fidel Castro during a state visit

Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau meets Fidel Castro during a state visit

“I was just a woman, in my early 20s.” Margaret Trudeau would later reflect on her marriage to Pierre Trudeau and explain the real reasons behind their breakup.

“He was a very refined, intellectual man in his early fifties.”

‘I was fresh out of college. I was a flower child. I was very free-thinking for my time. I was raised to be very free…

“But when he married me, brought me home and I had children for him, I realized I had been put in a birdcage.”

The couple decided to separate in 1977 and divorced in 1984, when Trudeau was just a teenager.

Margaret has been candid about her relationships with various celebrities as she became a public face and a socialite.

However, rumors about her alleged relationship with Fidel Castro and the claim that he is the father of the current Canadian Prime Minister remain completely unfounded.