Whopping 72 percent of American say Joe Biden is not healthy enough to be president, and only 59 percent feel the same way about Trump

Fully 72 percent of Americans said President Joe Biden is not healthy enough to be president ahead of the 2024 election, while only 59 percent said the same for Donald Trump in a new poll.

It comes just days after the New York Times and the Washington Post both published op-eds labeling the 80-year-old president, the oldest in American history, as too old to run for re-election in 2024.

Only 12 percent of those polled said they were confident that both likely 2024 favorites were healthy enough to run.

Perhaps most shockingly, only seven percent of respondents said they felt both Biden and Trump had the mental and cognitive health to serve as president, while 23 percent said neither did.

The polls aren’t necessarily great for either candidate; 64 percent say a Biden/Trump rematch means the political system is broken, while just eight percent say both are the best candidates.

A whopping 72 percent of Americans said President Joe Biden is not healthy enough to be president ahead of the 2024 election, while just 59 percent say the same for Donald Trump in a new poll

However, the news remains much bleaker for the 80-year-old Biden, despite being only three years older than Trump.

Only 33 percent of respondents are confident Biden will make it to the end of a hypothetical second term, while 55 percent say Trump will make it to 2029, according to CBS News.

Zooming in on mental and physical fitness, voters are much more confident that Trump is fit to serve another term as president — even if they disagree with his politics.

Only 16 percent of respondents think Biden is physically healthy enough for another four years as Chief Executive. But 43 percent think Trump is healthy enough.

Last month, a separate poll showed that 77 percent of Americans think Biden is too old to be elected for a second term.

Trump told former Fox News host Megyn Kelly last week that Biden is not “too old” but “grossly incompetent.” He later told CBS host Norah O’Donnell in another interview that he would support cognitive testing requirements to run for president.

The CBS/YouGov poll shows that Trump would beat Biden in the presidential election by just one point in a 50 to 49 percent outcome.

However, it also shows that two-thirds of registered voters think a Trump rematch with Biden in 2024 would prove that the American political system is “broken.”

It comes just days after the New York Times and the Washington Post both published op-eds labeling the 80-year-old president, the oldest in American history, as too old to run for re-election in 2024.

Perhaps most shockingly, only seven percent of respondents said they felt both Biden and Trump had the mental and cognitive health to serve as president, while 23 percent said neither did.

A new CBS/YouGOV poll shows that only a third of registered voters think President Joe Biden could complete a second term if re-elected

In addition to concerns about Biden’s age, the president is now also facing an impeachment inquiry from the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

Trump, on the other hand, was indicted four times this year and will have to testify about his efforts to overturn Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election.

There are more than a dozen Republicans vying to replace Trump as the Republican Party’s 2024 nominee. That includes 38-year-old Vivek Ramaswamy.

Biden is participating in the primaries virtually unopposed. Both Democrats Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Marianne Williamson launched extreme attempts to unseat the incumbent candidate for the nomination.

Ross Douthat, a conservative opinion writer for the liberal Timeswrote a piece titled “2024’s Field of Nightmares,” a reference to the 1989 film Field of Dreams.

He said while his concerns about Biden boil down to mundane political disagreements during his first term, Democrats are playing with fire by renominating the oldest president in American history.

The two risks that Biden will run again, Douthat said: “The high stakes of the next election, in which a health crisis or simply more derailments could be the thing that puts Trump back in the White House, and the various but also substantial commitment of another four-year term.’

The New York Times and the Washington Post published op-eds on Wednesday calling 80-year-old President Joe Biden too old to run for re-election in 2024

While Douthat argued that similar to Ronald Reagan’s second term — which has long been said to be served with the president in decline — Biden could “limp to another victory,” he sees the current political era as telling.

He compared it to liberals praying that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg could live long enough to see a Democrat replace her, only to see her die weeks before the election, while Trump could appoint another Supreme Court justice appoint.

‘TThe Trump era has been one of those periods in which providence or fate takes revenge on hubris more quickly than usual – in which the long-standing freedom that American parties and leaders have enjoyed, by virtue of our power and superiority, to work around our weak spots to skate and the number of mistakes has been significantly reduced,” he said.

David Ignatius wrote a similar column in Jeff Bezos magazine WashingtonPost with a more direct headline: “President Biden should not return to power in 2024.”

Ignatius largely praises Biden’s first years as president, claiming the Democrat has “ruled from the center” and done a good job on foreign policy by supporting Ukraine.

However, he says that not only Biden, but also Vice President Kamala Harris, should avoid a run for office in 2024.

‘It’s painful to say that, given my admiration for much of what they have achieved. But if he and Harris campaign together in 2024, I think Biden risks undoing his greatest achievement — stopping Trump.”

He cited disastrous polling for Biden in terms of approval rating and public opinion of his age.

The op-eds come as Biden faces an impeachment inquiry and recent polls show most consider the president too old to serve again.

A Washington Post columnist says that not only Biden but also Vice President Kamala Harris should avoid running for office in 2024.

Columnist David Ignatius suggested US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo as Harris’ replacement

For Harris, he mentioned, “the simple fact is that she has failed to gain traction in the country or even within her own party.”

He even suggested that Biden replace Harris on the ticket with Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass or Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.

“Right now, there is no clear alternative to Biden – no glaringly obvious replacement waiting in the wings. That could be the deciding factor for Biden, that there apparently is no one else. But perhaps he will trust that democracy will discover new leadership ‘in the arena’.

Although 80-year-old Biden is only three years older than 77-year-old Donald Trump, there is a 26 percent margin between those who think Biden is too old and those who think the ex-president is too old to serve another term to sit.

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