Whoopi Goldberg hits back at trolls who slammed her for the way she prepared her Thanksgiving turkey and accused her of being unsanitary for not wearing gloves

Whoopi Goldberg has clapped back at trolls who criticized her for the way she prepared her Thanksgiving turkey.

The acclaimed talk show host, 68, faced heavy criticism online after she uploaded a video of herself and a friend getting ready to cook her mom’s “famous turkey” to Instagram on Wednesday night.

It showed them filling the inside of the bird with various spices and ingredients, but when some people noticed that neither of them were wearing gloves, it sparked a flood of negative comments.

The TV legend also came under fire after revealing she planned to prepare the dish by ‘basting’ it in the oven at just 200 degrees for 12 hours. Many online users wondered if it was safe to cook meat at such a low temperature.

Whoopi Goldberg has clapped back at trolls who criticized her for the way she prepared her Thanksgiving turkey

The talk show host, 68, faced heavy criticism online after uploading a video of herself and a friend getting ready to cook her “mom’s famous turkey” to Instagram on Wednesday night.

It showed them filling the bird with various ingredients, but when some people noticed neither of them were wearing gloves, it sparked a flood of negative comments.

“It’s Thanksgiving and I’m making my mom’s famous turkey. “We are doing everything we can to get her ready to put her in the oven at 9 o’clock tonight,” she said.

‘We’re going to baste her until nine in the morning. You set the oven to 200 degrees.’

Basting is a method in which a piece of meat is cooked in liquid and the juices from the bottom of the dish are continually spooned onto the top to aid cooking.

Whoopi, who spent the holidays in Italy, explained and her other relatives would take turns basting the turkey all night long.

“We keep (the heat) low so she has a chance to absorb all this stuff,” she added.

But the video’s comments section was quickly flooded with negative messages.

‘Cooking at 200 degrees? Wouldn’t that be too low a temperature to cook a turkey at?’ wrote one person.

Someone else simply said, “Gloves?” while another user added: ‘I hope he washed his hands.’

The video’s comments section was quickly flooded with negative messages

Whoopi didn’t seem amused by the response and posted a second video addressing her haters. She said, ‘Yes, he washed his hands. Everyone in the kitchen washes their hands.”

Whoopi didn’t seem amused by the response and posted a second video addressing her haters.

“I took a moment out of my cooking time to come and respond to some of you because you’re asking me all kinds of questions, some of which I feel like you should know the answer to,” The View alum said.

‘Yes, he washed his hands. Everyone in the kitchen washes their hands. You know why? Because no one wants to touch anything with dirty hands. That’s just how we are, we’re strange,” she added sarcastically.

“(As for) why he wasn’t wearing gloves, it’s because we’re at home and I didn’t buy gloves. Sometimes events happen without gloves.”

Whoopi insisted her process was safe because she would cook it for so long.

“If you do it at 200 degrees and do it slowly and baste, you don’t have to worry about things like salmonella,” she continued.

“If you just filled it and ate it two hours later, I probably wouldn’t do it, but if you’re going to do what I do, which is pull an all-nighter, this is how you do it. This turkey will not make you sick.

“And besides, this is the way my mother did it when I was little. I woke up in a house that smelled like turkey.

‘It’s important that it takes the time it takes so the house smells nice.’

Whoopi insisted her process was safe because she would cook it for so long

While many were critical of her, other online users quickly came to her defense

Ultimately, the star said that while she’s certainly not an expert at cooking, a Thanksgiving turkey is the only thing she knows how to make.

“I don’t cook, maybe that’s why I’m not married,” she joked. ‘This is the only thing I can cook.

“I can cook the turkey my mom cooked for me, and nothing makes me happier because it brings me closer to my big brother Clyde and my mom and grandma.

“Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I hope you have as much fun as I do cooking the turkey I know I can. Everything else is questionable.”

Cooking a turkey overnight at 400 degrees may not be the traditional way, but experts haven’t advised against it. William Sonoma even lists it as one of the recommended ways.

And while many were critical of her, other online users quickly came to her defense.

“This time of Thanksgiving, how about we all stop making snarky comments and just be thankful for Whoopi?” wrote one supporter.

“Yes, Whoopi adheres to those sacred traditions. I want to wake up to the smell of that turkey filling the house with love,” read another comment.

A third user said: ‘Y’all don’t tell a 68 year old woman how to cook. The lack of respect.”

Whoopi, wearing a red and black plaid sweater over a blue button-down top and dark jeans, shared some images of herself trying out the finished product on Thursday

The turkey looked golden brown

She took a spoonful of the filling and dipped it into the liquid that had collected at the bottom of the container before popping it into her mouth and making a happy face.

Someone else commented: ‘People need to realize that we never used to cook with gloves.

‘That is something of the new age. We just made sure we were constantly washing our hands.”

Whoopi then posted one final clip discussing the topic. She said, “Honeys, darlings, why are you getting hung up on this glove thing? There are no gloves in my kitchen.

‘We wash our hands, we are not dirty MoFos. I don’t know what kind of people you all know, but we wash our hands in the house. Don’t worry about it, I swear to God it’s okay.’

She also shared some images of herself trying out the finished product on Thursday.

Whoopi, wearing a red and black plaid sweater over a blue button-down top and dark jeans, stood next to a golden brown bird.

She took a spoonful of the filling and dipped it into the liquid that had collected at the bottom of the container before popping it into her mouth and making a happy face.

“Yum,” she said.

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