Who should lead your AI initiative?

With the rapid rise of AI and generative AI, companies that initially experimented with select AI use cases are now rethinking enterprise-wide processes and strategies for how the business fundamentally operates. McKinsey estimates that AI adoption in business has more than doubled since 2017, with investment increasing every year.

AI will continue to differentiate organizations that can leverage their power at scale in secure and managed ways. The challenge lies not in whether the right technology exists, but rather in having the expertise and people to successfully put the vision of AI into practice. Deploying AI tools must be a coordinated effort, requiring a portfolio of AI experts across all parts of an organization – from ethics to legal to technology – led by a clear head of AI.

The head of AI can be considered the hottest job in the C-suite today. This person serves as the owner of the entire effort, taking AI out of the silos and ensuring that with their dedicated team, anything that could positively impact AI at an enterprise level is executed with security, governance and scale.

Why a head AI?

Demand for AI leadership positions is at an all-time high due to two key factors. First, AI is now recognized as a responsibility at the CEO level and a priority at the board level. A dedicated direct report to manage and guide strategy is critical to achieving positive results at the larger enterprise level. It also recognizes that AI at scale is truly something new that requires a unique set of skills that don’t exist in one department.

Brendan Grady

In my recent work with clients, I’ve seen firsthand how barriers to adoption and implementation – especially when data sits in silos with little coordination between them – keep the organization from becoming fully data-driven. If leaders approach AI the same way, they will miss out on its transformational potential.

The head of AI should be responsible for helping define a company’s AI goals, as well as building a dedicated team of cross-functional experts who can address the full range of needs. These include everything from designing and monitoring the data used in algorithms, to the ethics of how AI is used and the legal implications of AI implementations. Depending on the type of company and the primary goal with AI – whether it’s streamlining operations, building new product lines or something else – the head of AI should have a technical background and understand the ins and outs of working behind the screens of a company. an organization, and the creative experience with a big picture to help translate AI to the rest of the business.

Spreading AI across the company

The team reporting to the head of AI should include data scientists and machine learning engineers who work with the legal, IT and HR management teams to ensure clear guidance, training and implementation takes place across the organization. This cross-functional approach will ensure that all parts of the business are involved in the overall adoption of AI.

Assessing the capabilities and suitability of all current employees is also an important first step. There may be hidden talent, or employees who are already eager to upskill and reskill and who could be ideal candidates to take on a challenge or be an advocate for continued AI efforts.

Building an AI dream team

The rapid adoption of AI offers companies the opportunity to take a leadership role by quickly building a team that can effectively harness its power. By taking a cross-functional approach, led by a Head of AI with a dedicated team from all facets of an organization, AI will be prioritized, understood and implemented in safe and impactful ways. The time is now, as AI is a transformative technology that, when effectively maximized, will enable the future of your business’s long-term success.

Looking to the future

In leading the charge towards an AI-driven future, appointing a dedicated head of AI is not just a strategic move; it is a transformative one. Critical in today’s business ecosystem, this role transcends traditional IT boundaries and embeds the potential of AI deeply into the strategic fabric of the company. As a visionary, the head of AI not only oversees AI initiatives, but also advocates for a cultural shift toward data-driven decision-making at all levels of the organization.

By fostering cross-functional collaboration, this leader ensures that AI integration is not an isolated effort, but a synergistic effort that aligns with the company’s overarching goals. Their role in demystifying AI, by making it accessible and usable across departments, is crucial for fostering an environment where innovation thrives on data insights. As companies continue to navigate the complexities of the digital age, the head of AI serves as the architect of change, ensuring that the transformative power of AI is realized not only in operational efficiencies, but also in strategic breakthroughs that deliver sustainable competitive advantage .

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This article was produced as part of Ny BreakingPro’s Expert Insights channel, where we profile the best and brightest minds in today’s technology industry. The views expressed here are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Ny BreakingPro or Future plc. If you are interested in contributing, you can read more here: https://www.techradar.com/news/submit-your-story-to-techradar-pro

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