Whistleblower nurse claims FBI turned up at her door and threatened her after she accused America’s largest children’s hospital of illegally giving kids free sex change operations

A whistleblower who accused America’s largest children’s hospital of illegally using Medicaid benefits to offer children free gender reassignment surgery claims the FBI showed up on her doorstep and threatened her.

Vanessa Sivadge told journalist Chris Rufo that her employer, Texas Children’s Hospital, violated state law by using its benefits to offer gender reassignment surgery to minors.

She further alleged that doctors at the hospital manipulated patients into accepting “gender-affirming care,” and said she believed some families feared the doctors would call child protective services if they disagreed.

But after talking to Rufo about what she saw, Sivadge claims that two FBI agents showed up at her door and shared doorbell camera footage with him, which showed two plainclothes agents knocking on the door and asking about her .

Vanessa Sivadge, a nurse who claimed Texas Children’s Hospital provided free gender reassignment surgery for minors, claimed FBI agents showed up at her door after she blew the whistle

As she approached the men, one of the officers began asking her about her work.

“I’m sure you’re aware of some things that have been happening at work lately,” he says in the video, which Rufo shared with X.

When she responds that it is, the officer asks if he can come in and “let me do my song and dance.”

From that point on, Sivadge claims the officers began threatening her.

“They threatened me,” she told Rufo. ‘They promised they would make my life difficult if I tried to protect the leak. They said I wasn’t safe at work and claimed someone at my workplace had given my name to the FBI.”

Sivadge is now the second Texas Children’s Hospital employee to make such claims.

She shared doorbell camera footage showing plainclothes officers at her door

She shared doorbell camera footage showing plainclothes officers at her door

Last year Dr. Ethan Haim — a surgeon who completed his residency at the hospital — documents showing that TCH staff had given puberty blockers and other gender reassignment treatments to children even after hospital officials said they halted the procedures in March 2022. .

Just a month after the documents were leaked, Haim said he received a knock on his door from FBI agents who handed him a letter identifying him as a ‘potential target’ in a federal investigation.”

“I received a targeted letter signed by a federal prosecutor stating that I was under criminal investigation for a matter involving medical records,” he said.

Haim now argues that such tactics are a “blatant attempt at political intimidation,” claiming the prosecution is “driven by a deeply ideological divide within the Department of Health and Human Services.”

Officials are trying to “silence whistleblowers who expose institutionalized medical corruption and the dangers of these hormone-based interventions for confused adolescent children,” he said.

Sivadge claimed the hospital violated state law by using Medicaid benefits to cover the gender confirmation surgeries

Sivadge claimed the hospital violated state law by using Medicaid benefits to cover the gender confirmation surgeries

She further alleged that doctors intimidated parents into allowing their children to undergo the gender confirmation surgery

She further alleged that doctors intimidated parents into allowing their children to undergo the gender confirmation surgery

Haim has now been sued for violating HIPPA medical privacy laws, but he insists he did nothing wrong.

Although he has released private medical records detailing transmedical procedures on children as young as 12, he says patients’ identities have been redacted.

Donations have since flowed into Haim’s legal defense fund, with supporters praising him for “holding the line” and “standing up for children” despite the “corruption” at the hospital.

Meanwhile, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said he is investigating the claims, and state Rep. Brian Harrison called for an emergency hearing into allegations that the U.S. Department of Justice intimidated the whistleblowers.

Dr.  Eithan Haim also claimed that FBI agents approached him at his door after he leaked documents showing that the hospital continued to perform sex change operations after it said it had stopped.

Dr. Eithan Haim also claimed that FBI agents approached him at his door after he leaked documents showing that the hospital continued to perform sex change operations after it said it had stopped.

State Rep. Brian Harrison is calling on the Texas House to investigate the allegations

State Rep. Brian Harrison is calling on the Texas House to investigate the allegations

‘It’s absolutely outrageous that [the] DOJ is apparently protecting them — instead of targeting the medical professionals who abused Texas children — by silencing those who would oppose these abusive and illegal practices,” Harrison, a Republican, wrote in a letter to Dade Phelan, Speaker of the Texas House.

“The Texas House of Representatives should not stand idly by and allow this federal overreach to occur,” he continued.

“Texas must lead the nation in defense of the next generation and state sovereignty.”

Harrison also shared the letter on X, writing, “The [Texas] House must not allow the Biden administration to support and encourage child abuse and prescription drug fraud by prosecuting whistleblowers.”

“I am asking Dade Phelan to immediately hold hearings to investigate federal officials and hospital leadership,” he wrote. ‘Inaction is complicity.’

DailyMail.com has contacted the Department of Justice and Texas Children’s Hospital for comment.